March 31, 2011
Birthing and Labor DVD's

The count is on! 32 days until the estimated due date of my 2nd daughter and I am so ready!!

I have evidently forgotten so much in 10 years about the craziness a body goes through to house a child for 40 weeks and I am NOT one of those "it's so nice to be pregnant" kind of people. I LOVE being a mommy once the child is born.

Needless to say, I do remember what it was like giving birth and it really wasn't bad the first time. (realizing that all births are different and the 2nd may be harder) I went in at 7 a.m. By this I mean my husband took the time to park the car in the parking garage and we walked down the airway to the hospital, up to the labor and delivery floor and checked in. They didn't believe I was in labor or that I walked up and was not rushed up in a wheelchair. I let them know that my contractions were 3-4 minutes apart and that if this was Braxton Hicks I would just as soon they lie to me and let me stay. I was dialated to a 4 and they kept me. Not long after I had my epidural and played the waiting game. The epidural slowed my labor and they gave me a shot of pitocin to speed it back up. At 4:45 the doctor walked in. I pushed twice and she was here at 4:47 p.m. No lie. Everyone joked that I had no idea what it was like to give birth.

Now albeit I have had one child, this is Brad's first. He and L'il C are my 2 chosen people that I want with me in the delivery room. I told L'il C months ago this and that I was going to have her watch a birthing video before we go so she has an idea of what to expect. Brad found out about the video and was adamant about watching it as well. I thought he was kidding. He was not. He is really nervous and does not want to pass out from what he may or may not see. This did make me laugh a little. Men! We women are truly the stronger beings. :)

I just received a call and the videos are in. I WILL be watching them first to make sure they aren't the goriest of videos. We sure don't want him freaking out for the next 4 weeks. :D

Blogger Katie had this to say:

I am quite literally laughing out loud right now!!! Can't wait to hear how this goes!

2:57 PM 

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