April 06, 2011
The Birthing Videos Part 2

Brad has yet to get a free moment to watch the birthing videos. I watched both from start to finish. However, L'il C was more than excited to watch them. So she did. The first one cracked me up because it was straight old school right out of the late 80's early 90's. It kinda freaked me out with Lamar Burton narrating (dude from PBS Reading Rainbow). That video was the more kid friendly video with as few details as possible and the side shot of the birth.

The second video was super long with details about every part of labor, more for informational purposes for new moms and dads. So I hit scene selection to watch the 5 minute portion of the birthing process. This video was definitely more graphic with a full frontal shot of the baby coming out. Woo hoo.

I asked L'il C what she thought and if she had any questions. She had one question but I can't remember now what it was...something about the umbilical cord being cut. That was pretty much it. However, later when one of our friends came over and asked her about it she replied with, "It was DISGUSTING!" lol

Yesterday I asked her why she didn't share that with me and waited to tell Amber she said she had thought she had said so to me. I was laughing and told her that she didn't have to stand at the foot of the bed to watch if she didn't want to. She informed me that she was bringing her blindfold in case she didn't want to see and that she wasn't standing at the end because she "didn't want acid shooting out" on her. :D Cracking up laughing!

"Uhm...L'il C, that is not acid. That is blood, water, and amniotic fluid. Acid would eat through everyone's skin."

"Oh. Well then I don't want that other stuff shooting out on me then."

Love it.


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