September 20, 2007
The World Before Color Existed
L'il C in I were in a restroom washing our hands before dinner and she looks up at me and asks, "Mom, did they have color in the world when you were little?"
Now to me this is a very random question. "What?!"
"Did they have color in the world when you were little?", she repeats.
Then I notice on the wall there are black and white old time pictures. Too which I start laughing on the inside (for fear of belittling her if I burst out laughing). "Uhm, Sweetie, are you wanting to know if the world was in color back then (because I am THAT old?) or are you wondering why those pictures are black and white?"

"Baby, there has always been color in the world. They just recently invented colorful film to capture it."
"Oh! ......Well was the world in color when Grandma was little?"
To this my laughter could no longer be contained. "Nope. She is older than dirt and the world was truly in black and white back then." :)
link | posted by Sweet Yet Sassy at 12:07 PM
Amy had this to say:
Funniest one yet!
- 9:22 PM
Just Me had this to say:
Seriously so funny!
I remember asking my mom if she was excited when they turned color.
Also my favorite card I gave to my aunt had a picture of dinosaurs on the front and on the inside it said "Where you sad when the dinosaurs died".
- 10:51 PM
hollibobolli had this to say:
That totally makes sense though - still... it's funny!!!
- 2:22 PM
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