The 23rd we had our Children's Church Christmas Program. L'il C did so good!! She had a HUGE roll in the play and even had a solo! I am so proud of that girl!
Every other year I have L'il C from the day school gets out until 2:00 on Christmas Day and the other years I don't get her until 2:00 on Christmas Day until she goes back to school. This year I didn't get her until 2:00.
Christmas Eve Mr. C and I spent the day together. We exchanged our Christmas presents with each other. It was nice. We had fun. Then we went to the mall and did a little shopping. He had invited me to come spend Christmas Eve with him and his family since my family had already left to go be with my Grandmother.
Christmas Day I went with Mr. C to his Granny's for Christmas. We had a good time. After lunch, his sister and I played Battleship (a game his youngest sister had received for Christmas). I SMOKED her! LOL! I had 3 of her ships sunk before she even found one of mine. :) The guys played a mean game of basketball....well not really but they did play.
At 2:00 I got my sweetheart back. She enjoyed some time with us at Mr. C's family Christmas. Around 4:30 we left and went back home. We had Christmas for her which she enjoyed immensely!

Of everything, these seemed to get the biggest response:
Moon Sand: This stuff is the best ever! I HIGHLY recommend this. It is not sticky, never dries out, and is very easy to clean up!!
This is the Baby Alive Newborn that WETS! Good Lord. She used all of the diapers in one day! HA! It is a pretty cool baby doll.
She is all about High School Musical. She got these and the jammies along with the movie!
After opening presents we decided to go grab something to eat. (...since I haven't been grocery shopping since the ice storm and most of the food went bad.) The ONLY place we found open was Sonic which L'il C proudly read on the sign 'Open Christmas Day at 4 p.m.
Then we went looking at Christmas lights at one of the Christian Colleges in the area. It was relatively warm... a blazing 28 degrees and the wind was blowing so we didn't last long!