December 31, 2007
Twelve Days of Christmas, Part II
The 26th Mr. C took one of our guys in our youth group to Discipleship Camp and was unable to be at Christmas at my Grandmother's house and at my mom's. He was very disappointed. I missed him being there as well!! The 26th we drove down to my Grandmother's. All I can say to this is "We Survived"!
That night we came back home and L'il C and I had a slumber party just the two of us in the living room floor. We played games, painted, made bead projects, and made a pallet to watch movies and sleep on!

She loves to hold my hand when we are sitting together. I LOVE IT!
The next day we lounged until 3:00 p.m. when it was time to go to my mom's to have Christmas. We had a good time. We had an awesome dinner: Deep fried turkey, brisket, mashed potatoes, corn on the cob, salad, rolls, and dessert! Then after we cleaned up the kitchen we went into the living room for presents. After presents we played a game Amy got for Christmas. We had a very nice evening!
Amy's dog loves presents too!! HA! He kept trying to open all of L'il C's presents for her.

There was more to my Christmas but I have waited so long I can't remember it all! HA!
Merry Christmas All!
link | posted by Sweet Yet Sassy at 7:04 AM
Amy had this to say:
Sounds wonderful....and why don't I have copies of the Christmas pictures from mom's yet???
- 1:02 PM
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