August 15, 2014
Where has the time gone? 3 years in Fast Forward
Wow! The last time I posted was April 2011 after the birth of Baby A! She is now approaching 3 1/2 years old and as spunky as ever! This girl a walking comedy act. I think most 3 year olds are. The funny things they say are mainly due to learning the language. But since she is the only 3 year old in our home, (thank goodness) she will be the one dominating that category for this blog.
On April 13, 2013, Baby E was born.
Short Summary: When he was born he had jaundice. No big deal normally. Normally wasn't the case for us. They released us from the hospital when he was 24 hours old and told us to report back the next day to check his levels. By the end of that week he had to be in the "baby tanning bed" (the bilirubin lights).
This made me so sad. I couldn't take him out unless he was eating. All I wanted to do was hold him. Every day we had to go back and forth to the hospital to have his liver levels checked. When he was 2 1/2 weeks he started coughing and became very sick. The day before he turned 3 weeks old, I had to do CPR on him to get him to start breathing again. We called 911 and he was rushed to the children's hospital and admitted to the PICU where he was diagnosed with Pertussis, whooping cough. We stayed in the hospital for 24 days. He was released with a monitor, which we kept on him for 7 months.
Today, Baby E is 16 months old and completely healthy. His smiles light up the room. He is as rambunctious as any healthy boy could be. He is comparable to a goat! lol He climbs and he eats EVERYTHING! :)
L'il C is 13 1/2 and in the 8th grade. Holy Cow! She is super tender and compassionate. Smart. Funny. Talented. She loves to sing. She is still in dance and this year has started taking piano. In a month and half she is more advanced than I was in 9 years of piano. lol This year she has begun thinking of ways to positively impact the new school she is attending. She is everything I could hope for in a teenager. We undergone some life changes this year and although it has been a struggle emotionally, she has shown how strong she really is. She meets each day with a smile. Pride emits from my being with the young lady she has become.

For the last 3 1/2 years I have been able to be a stay at home Mommy. I love it! Most days I keep my sanity. Then there are the other days....Ha! Mommy needs alone time as well as adult conversation time. :) I have also been enrolled in college full time the last 3 semesters. I shouldn't have blown all of my time 18 years ago when I didn't have so many responsibilities. (Oh well I had fun back then. Isn't that what matters??) ha!
Mr.C is still as amazing as ever. I thank God for him every day. He is my rock and he definitely is a good lifeline to have around. :) He keeps me balanced with his suave debonair. (50 cent word!) He has many facets to keep up and running at all times. He is extremely good at juggling everything in his life. He is a hard worker, loving father, and attentive husband!
I know not blogging over the years has made my reading audience plummet. (Because my google log screams it at me.) But welcome back. I have returned. :)
link | posted by Sweet Yet Sassy at 11:50 AM
Katie had this to say:
Woo hoo!!!! I'm glad you're back! ;-)
- 8:22 PM
Sweet Yet Sassy had this to say:
Yay! Someone noticed. LOL Love you, friend!
- 5:47 PM
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