March 17, 2008
Happy St. Patrick's Day with a Surprise Twist!

Happy St. Patrick's Day!!!!

The festivities began at 8:00 this morning!! Woo hoo! My sweet L'il C woke me up this morning by leaning down by me and saying, "Happy St. Patrick's Day, Mommy!" (She is on Spring Break and I am playing all day.)

She paused for a few seconds and then asked if she could open her presents! (yes, I AM that cool!)

When I got to work (not working just showed up) Mr. C had decorated my office with green shamrock garland and Shamrock and Gold piece confetti.

My sister had made delicious homemade Shamrock cookies and a fun St. Patrick's Day card and had left them in my chair at work.
Mr. C also hand cut out many Shamrocks with clues for a scavenger hunt for me and L'il C.

She collected green glasses, fun rubber rings, a green hair extension, and more.

I collected a very fun Ireland book, a green lay to wear during the scavenger hunt, shamrock socks, a shamrock cake pan that I wanted, and a fun photo frame.
The next clue that I found said that the hunt will be continued at lunch promptly at 12:30 no earlier no later.

Lunch was much fun. I had a clue out on my swing and had a CD waiting on me that I have been wanting.

He had candles lit with Shamrock sandwiches, Shamrock cookies, green punch, and chips for the 3 of us. (me, L'il C, and himself) He really went all out.

My next clue was a myspace comment which led me to my mom's kitchen where he had another CD that I have been wanting.

The next and what I thought was the last clue consisted of me finding the place where we first held hands. This happened to be in his future brother-in-law's truck. I have located him and will be meeting at his truck in 20 minutes to find another surprise. (This turned out to be another of 3 cd's that I had been wanting.)


At 4:00 we took L'il C to my mom's so we could head on out to the local Irish pub for dinner. The parking lot was already full and the festivities had begun. We found a table outside. The weather was nice. We were under the awning and could watch the men play the bagpipes from where we were sitting. We enjoyed cornbeef and cabbage with new potatoes and some amazing carrots. Dinner was good.

After dinner we went back to my house. On the way home, he reached into my console and pulled out a cd that he wanted me to listen to. I asked him who it was but he just pushed play. He had written me a song!!!!! He was singing and playing the piano and had it recorded at a local studio.

When we got to the house, Mr. C held the door open for me. The lights were off and in the middle of the living room floor were little shamrocks with tealight candles in a circle and a ring box in the middle. (My sister had snuck into my house to light the candles....he called her without me knowing.)

He got down on one knee and asked me to marry him!

I hugged his neck and said, "YES!!"

After we hugged and laughed for a bit I let him know that if he had anymore planned for the scavenger hunt it was too bad because that was the ultimate ending and I needed to go tell my family and show off my ring! ;)

We went to my sister's and showed her and her husband. He was mad because he spent more time at my house waiting to light the candles then we did to show him the ring. LOL.

Next we went to my parents to show my mom (dad wasn't home) and L'il C. I told L'il C that Mr. C had asked me to marry him. She said, "Did you say yes?"

"Well yeah!"

"Good." and she hugged me, then whispered in my ear, "Can I still stay the night with Grandma?"

"Sure." I started laughing.

She let me go and immediately ran into the other room to call her dad to tell him the news! LOL! hmmmm Luckily, he likes Mr. C and his response when she told him was "Awesome." ha ha

Next we went to Mr. C's brother's house and told him and his wife. He wanted to see the ring and then told me I needed to "lower my standards in jewelry and raise my standards in men!" LOL. (Whatever, he knows his brother is an awesome guy!)

It was the best day! It was such a lovely day. He put so much work, time, and thought into the day.

He says he pulled off the greatest con ever with suckering me into marrying him, but we all know that he is one of the greatest guys in the whole wide world and I would be insane not to accept his hand in marriage!

I love you, Brad!! (a.k.a Mr. C) You are amazing! It will be an honor to marry you!

Blogger Amy had this to say:

Oh fun! I love scavenger hunts!! And, you must know that it was VERY hard not to eat one of your cookies. :)

10:10 AM 

Blogger Starr had this to say:

Congratulations! What a fun proposal!

7:02 AM 

Anonymous Anonymous had this to say:

Yay!! Congratulations!!!! I got to hear all the fun details by eavesdropping - is it eavesdropping if you share a cube wall? Anyway, I got to hear about it through your sis and am so happy for you!!!

7:20 AM 

Blogger soapbox.SUPERSTAR had this to say:

OMG! YAY YAY YAY!!! What an awesome proposal story!!! And on your most favoritist day!!! You need to get married on St. Patricks day too! You have to! Congrats!!!

11:04 AM 

Blogger LoriLoo310 had this to say:

That is such an awesome proposal, congratulations!

8:47 PM 

Blogger Candice had this to say:

WOW!!! Congrats to you!!

The whole time during the story I kept thinking there must be some sort of surprise ending and that's an awesome one. I wish you the very best.

9:11 PM 

Blogger Just Me had this to say:

OMG!!! I am so excited for you and Mr. C! What a fun way to propose!

6:53 AM 

Blogger Catrina had this to say:

Holy cow! What a great surprise. Congratulations! Can't wait to hear about all of the planning details!!!

11:46 AM 

Blogger Sweet Yet Sassy had this to say:

Amy~ You know I would have gladly shared my cookies! You can see how many I ended up with!

Starr~ Thank you! I completely agree. It was so much fun.

Canaan~ No way girl! That is not eavesdropping at all. You take advantage of those cube walls! LOL! And thank you. :)

SS~ Thank you! I was so glad he proposed on that day. I am a cheesy nerd, I know! :) I would love to get married on St. Patrick's Day but it was on a Saturday last year so the next time it will be on a weekend is 2012-2013. No thanks. HA! We are getting married this Fall.

loriloo~ Thank you! I had an awesome day!

Candice~ Thank you. I am glad you liked the surprise ending. I know I did. It was perfect.

Just Me~ Thank you for the sweet comment. I am so happy.

Catrina~ Thank you. I will definitely keep everyone updated. :)

7:24 AM 

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