February 28, 2011
Single Digit Countdown!
9 more weeks til my estimated due date (EDD)!!
Tummy extremely tight: Check
Back pain: Check
Lack of sleep: Check
Constant state of tiredness: Check
Heartburn & indegestion: Check
Seems everything is running smoothly! :D
Can't wait to meet my new bundle of joy!
link | posted by Sweet Yet Sassy at 11:47 AM
February 03, 2011
Welcome to Bipolar Weather & Baby Update

This past weekend it was a beautiful 70 degrees and sunny. We had two fabulous days of playing at the park and walking the dogs!
Then we wake up Sunday to freezing cold temperatures. By Tuesday we have a record 14" of snow and we are stuck at home. This morning it was a warm -7 degrees with a chill factor of -20. Absolutely fabulous. That is even too cold to be excited to play in the snow.
Today I am watching all of the idiots, who think they have big bad vehicles, (geo metros and like vehicles) trying to drive in the snow. Within the past 10 minutes, what started as one stuck dodge caravan is now 5 cars stuck waiting for the caravan to move. One vehicle had his buddy come pull him out. But....with no such luck to the other 4, the buddy left them to fend for themselves. :D
On another note, being stuck home in this blizzard, L'il C was able to feel L'il A moving in my tummy Tuesday. She was so excited to finally feel her. Also, my beautiful baby girl opens her eyes this week as her retinas begin to form. Not sure what fun stuff she will see...if it looks anything like the 4D pictures I received, she should probably just keep her eyes closed and wait for a more interesting view! :) Monday will be the start of my 3rd trimester!! 12.5 more weeks until the estimated due date!!! Woo Hoo!
link | posted by Sweet Yet Sassy at 12:27 PM