November 30, 2010
Life As We Know It
L'il C is more than excited we are having a girl....reminds me daily as if I had forgotten. She writes on all of her school notebooks, "(L'il C) loves (Baby A)". It melts my heart. We found a nursery set online that matches the ladybug design of L'il C's room and she wants nothing more for their rooms to be the same. (Wonder how long that will last!)

My mom took L'il C Christmas shopping to get some ideas. She told me later that all L'il C wanted to do was look at baby clothes and baby items. But Grandma mentioned again that it was not the baby's day but hers.
Brad and I found a really good deal on a flatscreen tv. We are now only 5-10 years behind the Joneses' instead of 20! LOL. Good thing they aren't our role models. We haven't bought something to put it on yet, so it is on top of our humongous entertainment center that housed our boxset tv! Mwah ha ha ha. Ghetto!
I told them I wanted to wrap it and save it til Christmas but I was trumped by Brad and L'il C. They wanted to immediately open it and watch a movie on it. L'il C has actually been completely ready for school EARLY and without me telling her the step by step process the last 2 days just so she can turn on Hoodwinked on the new flatscreen! It is quite humorous. Forget nagging and pressuring and the constant reminders.....just buy a new flatscreen tv. :)
Baby 'A' weighs a whopping 7 ounces this week and is 5 1/2" long-head to bottom. I am loving these weekly emails. I wish I had something like that 10 years ago when I was pregnant with L'il C. It makes you relish every moment of your pregnancy. I love watching each new thing that is happening to her tiny body. It is truly the most awesome miracle ever!
Tomorrow is my birthday but we celebrated with my parents last night. We had a fabulous dinner and played Farkle afterwards. It was a good evening. I can't believe I will be 32 tomorrow. Where does the time go?!
Friday we are taking L'il C to ride the Christmas Train, about an hour north of where we live. It takes you on a tour of the birth of Jesus. It is a recreated old timey town somewhat like Silver Dollar City. I have heard it is an excellent place to go. We are looking forward to it.
Then Saturday starts the first of many Christmas parties.
After looking at my calendar, I only have 4 days in the month of December with absolutely nothing scheduled on them. WOW! Happy Christmas already! :)
link | posted by Sweet Yet Sassy at 9:46 AM
November 19, 2010
At 16 1/2 weeks
Oh good. Baby 'A' is growing toe nails this week?! That is awesome. Good to know.
link | posted by Sweet Yet Sassy at 11:35 AM
November 09, 2010
It's A..........
Our appointment was at 2:30 yesterday. We stopped by L'il C's school and surprised her by letting her go with us. She was super excited. I wanted her to be there if there was any chance the doctor was able to tell us the gender of our new baby.
At lunch that day I ate a bite of a brownie to insure that the baby was awake at the appointment and had some energy. I didn't want all of this anticipation to end in disappointment because it was tucked in a ball sleeping and I wouldn't find out what we were having. My daughter had cookies when I picked her up so I ate a bite of that as well. :)
We arrived and the nurse asked if it was possible to tell if we wanted to know. We all gave a resounding YES!!
The doctor came in and introduced himself to L'il C and they bantered back and forth a bit. It was funny as usual.
He asked what we were thinking the baby might be and we all said a boy. I told him that I had eaten sugar to wake up the baby. As he is looking at the ultra sound he said that I should have eaten something with "penis... paused as he realized my 9 year old daughter was sitting there....and then repeated "penis elongation" because it was not a boy...but was actually a GIRL!!
Indeed all of my witchcraft practicing friends were wrong. We will be having a sweet baby girl in May. :) None of us are disappointed. We are actually very excited just to know what it is to start planning the nursery. Brad just said this will give us a reason to try again. :D
When telling this story later to my mom, L'il C said that when the doctor looked at her after saying "penis" she should have looked at him and asked, "What is that?!?!" We started cracking up.
It was a very good day. We were pretty much shocked though that it was a girl since we had convinced ourselves that it would be a boy. L'il C just kept saying it over and over again. "My Mom is having a GIRL!!"
link | posted by Sweet Yet Sassy at 8:26 AM