January 11, 2011
Welcome to 6 months/24 weeks!
Hard to believe I am starting my 6th month of pregnancy. I read over my last post of having gained only 2 pounds and that soon people would be able to tell I was pregnant and laughed. I have now gained 6 pounds total.....and people are still telling me that I am not pregnant. Some of my closest friends said that there is no way I am pregant since I am still wearing a belt. Well hmmm.... I am pregnant, for real, and I am okay that I am not a 'big fatty'! (as L'il C would say) ;)Time hasn't dragged too slowly as I have had weekly updates on the growth of my little one. However, I am ready to be at 40 weeks because I am ready to meet her. I can only imagine Brad shares this feeling as he has still not felt her move yet. But I promise she is....she takes a morning stroll, an afternoon swim, and an evening tour of my tummy everyday! I have a hard time breathin' every now and then but nothing serious.This week she weighs nearly 1-1/2 pounds and is the length of a half-gallon of milk. (according to Parents.com)
link | posted by Sweet Yet Sassy at 9:38 AM
January 08, 2011
L'il C's 10th Birthday

All of the cliche' sayings you can say when someone turns 10 have been said. But as it was when she turned 9..halfway to an adult, this birthday was mixed emotions for me as well. It is all to present in my mind that I only have a few more precious years to spend with my sweet little girl at home.
L'il C, you are truly the most awesome gift. Ten years ago on this day your daddy and I welcomed you into this world and you have been an awesome joy for the last 10 years. From the moment I held you in my arms, to the first time you smiled, the first time I heard your tiny cry...and thought it was so funny/cute, the first time I heard your little voice, your first words and first steps I never realized that there would be so many firsts. Nothing has changed. There are still many firsts with you that I treasure. Your first bicycle, your first report card, your first childhood boyfriend, your first lead role in the school play have all been special memories to me. I love you each day as if it is your first.
Thank you for making it such a joy to raise you. I LOVE being your mommy!

Happy 10th Birthday, L'il C!!!
link | posted by Sweet Yet Sassy at 4:47 PM