May 28, 2008
Memorial Weekend
I love holidays! That extra day off is nice. It helps even more that L'il C's last day of school was last Friday and most of last week was field trips and play days. :) I got to be at those! It was nice.Sunday afternoon we (Mr. C, me, L'il C, Mr. C's little sister, and my dad) thought it would be fun to go camping that night after church and go 4-wheelin' Monday. So after lunch we headed out to the ranch to set up our tents. It was very hot. The ground was very hard and my stakes wouldn't hardly go in. I had forgotten my hammer so I did the best I could. I didn't really care all that much since we would be in them and it wasn't windy.After church we played volleyball with the youth/young adults and ate pizza. After we cleaned up we headed out to the ranch. The weather had cooled off quite a bit and it felt perfect. We put the girls to bed at 11:00 and we ended up parting ways at 12:30 to head to our tents and go to sleep as well.Holy Cow! At 2:15 that morning I hear the wind whipping and rattling my rain cover on my tent. It had pulled it loose. I hear Mr. C talking to his sister in their tent and I got up. I had him put our lawn chairs inside their bigger tent so they wouldn't blow away. I packed all of my stuff back in my bag so that it would not get wet should it start to rain and I would have it altogether in my tent. I tried to lie back down and go back to sleep. At 2:30...... torrential down pour.I see a flashlight glowing through my tent. My dad had come out of the 5th wheel (more comfy than a tent) and was hollering at us to run to the rock barn (50 feet behind our tents). I grabbed my bag and purse and put L'il C on my back. I opened the tent and out I go. "M-o-m!" A huge chunk of her hair had caught in the zipper. Back in we go. As I fidget with getting her hair untangled water is coming all inside the tent. I finally get it unhooked and we ran to the barn. The girls are freezing and we are trying to come up with a plan. We weren't afraid of rain while being in the tents (well the girls were) but we had come about 2 miles back into the property and to get out we had to cross a low water dam. Dad was afraid that this would be uncrossable by the time we would be ready to leave so he suggested we head to his house back in town.I ran back to my tent to push my blankets back to the back in case more water got in so they wouldn't get wet. Running back out..... I catch my hair in the zipper! Ugh. Rain Rain Raining all in my tent and all over me. We all finally get in our cars (each in our own so we had enough room to haul the stuff there in the first place) and headed out. I called mom and told her we were going to be there shortly for a slumber party. L'il C was okay until she realized she had left her Webkinz in the tent. Thinking she had already thought the worst I told her they would be fine. If they got wet, we could dry them. And if they blew away we could buy more. She had NOT thought the worst and started crying because she didn't want them to blow away! ....... oops!
All in all everything turned out okay. We went back out there about 2:00 the next afternoon. The low water dam was indeed flooded and we had to drive very carefully to get back across to load up our tents. Three of my stakes had pulled out so all of the water had soaked all of my blankets...the Webkinz, however were dry! L'il C was relieved.Mr. C's parents came over that evening and we grilled hamburgers and hotdogs. Mr. C and his dad planted a garden in the back. It looks good. I can't wait until we have fresh produce. Mr. C also bought some flowers to plant around the fountain. They really worked hard but they enjoyed doing it! The girls played in the backyard and his mom and I were able to visit for a while.We didn't end up getting to spend the day as we had planned but it was fun memories!"Remember that Memorial Day weekend we went to camp out and we ended up soaked at 3:00 in the morning and had a slumber party at Grandma and PawPaw's house?!"
link | posted by Sweet Yet Sassy at 2:06 PM
May 16, 2008
When your 7 year old tells you she is singing a solo in her Spring Program:She may or may not be singing a solo if she even sings at all.~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Last night was L'il C's Spring Program. It was called Splash Kingdom and they really did a great job. L'il C had been working up the fact she was going to be singing a solo in the program. She told both her dad and Grandma about this and told them not to tell me because it was a surprise. Except, she forgot the fact that she had told me a couple of weeks ago. ???However......we watched the entire program last night and she NEVER sang a solo. So I asked her what happened to her part and why she didn't sing her solo and then we had this conversation:-I did, Mom! Me and Gabby.-Baby, a solo is just one person. If it were you and Gabby then that is a duet. But you two never sang by yourselves in the program.-Well that is how it was supposed to be but Caitlin kept singing and she wasn't supposed to.-(Still not getting it since there were no less than 20 people on the stage the ONLY time she was up there.) Honey, you were in the choir on the side of the stage and I realize you did go on the stage one time with several people blowing bubbles. But all of you were singing that song and you weren't even singing half the time.-Mom, me and Gabby sang the solo and they were our backup singers!So.......note to self: Make sure your 7 year old knows what solo means and that it is NOT the entire group singing nor does it mean that if child and child's friend decide that they are singing a special and the other 20 people are "backup singers" then it is STILL a solo.
link | posted by Sweet Yet Sassy at 11:16 AM
May 12, 2008
Mother's Day
My Mother's Day was very nice. We went to church and then went to my mom's for lunch. It was such a peaceful day.
L'il C was more than anxious to give me her gifts. She wanted to give them to me early but I told her repeatedly that I would rather open them on the actual holiday. She made the sweetest puppy dog eyes and I ended up opening one the night before. She was so proud of what she had made at school and kept reiterating the fact that she had "worked hard on them and it had taken DAYS to finish them".
She made me a flower pot out of a half styrofoam cup with flowers made of pipe cleaners and cutouts all glued to a paper plate with ribbon around it and a ribbon to hang it up. It had little gems glued all around the plate. It was so cute. (I know!....You would have to be a mom to think so but it really was!) She also colored me a bouquet of flowers and made me a card that told me how much she loved me and that I "ruled". LOL.
She made me a card at church Wednesday night that told me she would do all of the chores on Mother's Day. This sounded optimal to me. Come Sunday however I had forgotten that she had made that offer and apparently so had she. We were getting ready to walk out the door for church and I asked her to turn out the kitchen and dining room lights (since that is where she had been), to grab her Bible and her offering. She then sighed and asked, "Why do I have to do everything??"
Then she reminded herself that it was Mother's Day and that she had said she would. (Because seriously being responsible for herself was way to much to ask?!)
........Today, however, she woke up very grouchy. (not usual behavior for her) When I asked her to brush her hair and her teeth she pouted and said, "This is NOT Mother's Day!"
Kids! Aren't they precious! ;)
link | posted by Sweet Yet Sassy at 9:03 AM
May 09, 2008
New Money Coming Soon!!
link | posted by Sweet Yet Sassy at 7:59 AM
May 06, 2008
Eischen's -Thank you Holli!
Yesterday I had to be in Oklahoma City for a few appointments. While I was there, Brad surprised me with an appointment to have an hour body massage. It was heavenly and such a sweet surprise. After my massage we had made plans to drive over to Okarche (pronounced oh-car'-chee) and eat at Eischen's, to visit the state's oldest bar and to eat its well-known fried chicken....thanks to Holli for referencing this place.
Because I had read about this place here I knew a little bit about what to expect. However, judging by this picture it didn't give me the broad scope of what the outside really looked like. I thought it was funny that the outside was a regular brick building in the middle but it looked like they had expanded into a grocery store on one side and it looked to be attached to the town bank on the other side. The floor, black and white checkered tile, had some kind of wierd green stuff on it that kind of bothered me. It may have been part of the design but it looked wierd. We sat down in a booth just to the right of the door. I really enjoyed the atmosphere. It was nice. There were no smoking signs and children were welcomed as long as they were acccompanied by an adult. There was a sign just as you walked in that said due to high volumes of customers on the weekends expect a 2 hour wait for fried chicken. I was sure glad this was a Monday. The wait staff was very friendly. We ordered a basket of fried chicken (which the menu referenced as a whole chicken) and a basket of okra! I didn't realize there were only going to be about 6-7 things on the menu. It was kind of funny. But since I went solely for the fried chicken it didn't matter to me. The meal was served with a basket of sliced white sandwich bread, pickles, and raw sliced onions.Mr. C doesn't really like fried chicken or okra so I was thankful that he humored me and took me to this cool place. I could only hope that he liked the chicken. One bite and he was hooked. The man now has somewhere that he can go and appreciate fried chicken. I figured since this place must hold some sort of magical powers he should try the scrumptious okra as well. I mean if this place could make him like fried chicken than surely he could start to like okra! This did not happen. He still does not like okra. LOL. After dinner we asked the waiter if they had dessert. The answer was no so we asked him if there was somewhere we could go to have some. His answer after much thought was, "There is a Braum's in the next town over or you can drive back to El Reno." I started cracking up laughing. The guy too started laughing and said, "Welcome to Okarche. This is all we have."I had to get back home and had a long drive so we decided to skip dessert but it was truly a fun day. If you ever get a "hankerin" for some good ole country fried chicken I highly recommend going to the little town of Okarche to the grocery store/bar/bank called Eischen's! It is delicious!And if you don't have time to scan the link that I included, here is Eischen's interesting history:The History of Eischen's Bar(as taken from the flyer with the same name)Eischen's Saloon was established in 1896 by peter Eischen and was opened until statehood and prohibition. Eischen's Bar opened shortly after the end of prohibition by Nick and Jack Eischen, son and grandson of Peter Eischen. The massive back bar, a vital part of the history of Eischen's, was hand carved in Spain in the early 1800s. During the Gold Rush Days it was shipped to California. It was lost in time until it was brought back to Okarche in 1950 for the enjoyment of all who stopped by Eischen's.On January 21, 1993, fire destroyed Eischen's and one of the things remaining is a small part of the antique back bar.The Legend Lives On: On August 9, 1993, Eischen's Bar reopened. The small part of the antique back bar is on display along with several other mementos of the bar salvaged from the fire.
link | posted by Sweet Yet Sassy at 8:41 AM