September 29, 2008
The Bachelorette Party
What a night!!! We had a great evening. We started out meeting at Kilkenny's, an Irish Pub & Restaurant. Amy had the great idea that we should go there since Brad and I are going to Ireland for our Honeymoon!!
Owner of Kilkenny's
Our Lovely Waitress
The Cake
My Maid of Honor and My Sissy
The Girls

Party events have been restricted and edited due to possible incriminating events/presents. Ha ha!
The second event of the evening was the Scavenger Hunt. Again some of the details are edited to protect the innocent and unwilling.
The pharmacy associates
You can't prove this is me
Yes! This guy is really wearing a spongebob shirt with pink spandex!
Thank you Romulus! - I had to find a bike owner and get a picture on the bike.
This guy rejected me.
This guy had no clue what we were doing but nonetheless, I got the shirt!
We had a great evening! Thanks to my sister for planning it! Thanks to all my girls for being there!! I love you all!
link | posted by Sweet Yet Sassy at 7:29 AM
September 26, 2008
Surreal Utopia vs. Reality
The truth is....right now they are equal in my world!
I am getting married in 8 days to the most amazing man ever. I have an awesome Bachelorette party being planned and hosted by my sister tonight. I also have a crammed pack week of events to get ready for that fabulous day...with an amazing honeymoon in Ireland to follow.
My Surreal Utopia is Reality!
I win!
link | posted by Sweet Yet Sassy at 9:56 AM
September 23, 2008
Motivational Seminar
I had been looking forward to this seminar for weeks. I had listened to Zig Ziglar and read many things written by him but I had never been to any of his seminars before. In addition to Zig, other speakers such as Rudolph Giuliani, Joe Montana, Brian Tracy, Rick Belluzzo, and Gen. Colin Powell were all listed in the days agenda. HUGE names that I was more than anxious to listen too.As the day began yesterday, I realized that my alarm that was supposed to go off at 4:45 in the morning at all. Somewhere out of nowhere I woke up at 5:25. Fabulous! We were to leave at 5:45. I fixed my hair, got dressed, and grabbed my makeup bag and was out the door by 5:45! Go me!There were 8 of us so we car pooled. We did not know how bad the traffic was going to be so we wanted to get there early. The doors opened at 6:45. We had no problem getting there and found a parking garage one block from the new fabulous BOK Center in Tulsa! We walked up to the BOK Center and there was already a pretty good line. I sat on the steps and applied my makeup in nothing more than some of the building lights! Ha!They soon opened a new line at a 3rd door to keep the lines out of the streets. We ended up being the first ones in that line. As they opened the doors they had us walk the entire arena to the opposite side that ended up being right by the doors had we went right instead of left. :( Crowd control I am sure.The seminar started at 8:00 a.m. but there were reports that as the arena was being filled there was still standing traffic at 9:00 with people trying to get parked and get inside. The entire arena was eventually filled without a seat to spare .The speakers:Rick Belluzzo, legendary President of Microsoft was the first to speak. He had a great outline and positive, useful information. His presentation was by far the easiest to follow. Some of his great advice included, "Times are unprecedented and full of opportunity. Believe in yourself!" "Be hard headed and soft hearted." "Pursue each assignment believing you can leave an enduring impact. Be proactive." "Take on tough assignments. Challenges lead to personal growth."*********************************Brian Tracy, noted as 'America's Top Authority on Selling', was next. He was funny. He spoke of "Someday Isle" a.k.a "Someday I'll". Someday, I'll get started. Someday, I'll be rich. Someday I'll..... etc. He said to "vote yourself off 'someday isle'!"He mentioned that you become what you say to yourself. Say positive things to yourself. It is not lying, it's telling the truth in advance. :)*********************************Next came Krish Dhanam, a man from India whom I had never heard of and was not on the main advertising propoganda. I must say that he was by far my favorite. He came out popping jokes, diminishing preconceived ideas about how many motels and gas stations he owned because he was from India. He was not only motivational, he was inspirational. He spoke of his 'bride' with admiration and of his 'boy' with pure joy. His zeal for life and his passion was contagious.The four points he spoke on was for the acronym G.L.O.W.G -Give more than you ever have.L-Leave more than you take - dignityO-Offer admiration and applause to the inner circle (family and those important to you)W-Whose applause matters?His humor and sincerity captured the entire audience.*********************************Gen. Colin Powell, Legendary Soldier-Statesman. I must say that he was one of the ones that I was looking foward too. Quite frankly, I was.not.impressed. His self-pity story of his lack of popularity today got old after his intro. Instead of motivating us, he made us feel sorry for him. At one time, he was one of the greatest. It was very apparent his time is over. It is too bad he still lives in the past. I was truly disappointed in his presentation.The only thing that stood out to me worth writing down from his speech was the point where he said you need to make a connection. Recognize the human being on the other side of the window. He told a story about talking with a valet and what made the valet determine whether the cars were placed first to get out or third deep in the line. The valet said whoever pulls up and greets me and asks me about my day goes first. Whoever drives up looking straight on and never acknowledges me standing here, goes last.*********************************Phil Town spoke on investments and dealing with the stock market. He had very useful things to say and had an interesting presentation. My father has taught me several things about the stock market as that is his interest. There is a lot of money to be made in this industry if you know what you are doing and you have the time. *********************************Tamara Lowe, the Master of Ceremonies, spoke as well. She spoke on the DNA of motivation. She had good things to say. Although she was a good Master of Ceremonies, her presentation for motivation sounded more like a memorized monologue. Someone mentioned that she had not been a part of the lineup for long so this may be the attributing factor in this.*********************************Zig Ziglar! Wow! I had not been prepared for what happened. Apparently, a while back he took a fall that resulted in permanent vertigo and short term memory loss. It was very sad. They brought 2 stools: one for him and one for his daughter. His daughter asked him "interview questions" and he would answer to keep him on track and to keep him from repeating himself. He still mentioned several times that he reads 3 hours everyday and pointed to the row in front of him saying that his wife was there and they had been married 60+ years. (his wife was in the front row to the right of him but he kept forgetting that.) His advice was to be a constant student and do everything with intergrity. They did play a few clips from his previous seminars as well.He may not be on the agenda much longer. He has been an astounding motivational speaker for many years, it would probably be to his further detriment to take him out of the agenda. Kudos to them for allowing him to participate in something that has meant the most to him for so long.********************************Joe Montana. I couldn't imagine even a die hard Montana fan being intrigued with his speech delivery. Granite, to say to someone that you have been in the same room with Joe Montana is bonus points, but motivational techniques were definitely lacking. Not impressed.********************************James Smith. That sums it up. There is no speaker like him. His analogies are graphic and to the point. Yet, he was my other favorite speaker. He is a real estate investor. He seems to have a good grasp of tax benefits and the best way to use them in your favor. He spoke highly of his wife and sons and spoke of "loving everyone". The greater you treat those around you the more successful you are. He had great things to say and he was very motivating.The rest of the speakers for the day put me to sleep so I left. Ha ha! I didn't even get to see Giuliani but I heard I didn't miss anything. How sad.Overall, it was a great day! I truly enjoyed the seminar and was glad that I was able to attend.
link | posted by Sweet Yet Sassy at 9:37 AM
September 21, 2008
Susan G. Komen Race
Well this is the first year I have ever ran in a race.....EVER! Saturday was the race. I did not run in the timed race because well, I am not that stupid. I am very well aware that even though I work out regularly, I am not a runner.My sister and I decided that we would still enter in the untimed 5K. We had a great time. One of our teachers from high school passed away in 2006 from a long time battle of breast cancer. Her husband asked me to run last year but I had a conflict with my schedule. I promised him I would run this year. So we joined his team. She was an amazing teacher.There were around 10,000 people that showed up to participate in the event. Our team alone was either the largest team or the second largest team there. Since neither Amy nor myself are hardcore we decided we would jog half and walk briskly the other half. We did fulfill that goal and it was fun. Ronald McDonald was there and high fived me as I finished! Woot Woot!What I learned.....My workout program increases strength and muscle not endurance.Today.......... I am MOST SORE! :( Next year.........Must Train!! Ha ha!
link | posted by Sweet Yet Sassy at 8:34 AM
September 18, 2008
Yearbook Yourself
1958 & 1966

1976, 1984, & 1996
link | posted by Sweet Yet Sassy at 7:17 AM
September 17, 2008
Scary THEN Sweet Is Disasterous
If I watch a scary movie with incredible actors that completely engross you in their character, it is just about impossible for me to transition those thoughts when I watch those actors in other movies.
For example, in 2002 when
Red Dragon came out I watched it and
Ralph Fiennes played an incredible role. ...a role that did scare the bajeezus out of me, but that just insures his ability in acting even more!
Then one week later my sister gave me the movie
Maid in Manhattan to watch. She said it was really good. Except the entire movie and especially in this
scene I just keep waiting for him to set Jennifer Lopez on fire or something horrifying.
The same is true for
Steve Buscemi. After seeing him in
Con Air I can't hardly look at him without believing he is going to hurt somebody in the movie he is in. And I can never ever hear or sing "He's Got the Whole World in His Hands" again!
So my rule of thumb is to watch the sweet movies first then the scary so I can actually enjoy both.
link | posted by Sweet Yet Sassy at 7:17 AM
September 15, 2008
Gift Registries: Insulting or Helpful?
I was standing in line at Walmart the other day and the lady in front of me is discussing gift registries with the lady scanning her purchases. Both of them were ranting about how insulting and ridiculous gift registries were. "I can't stand [gift registries]. I think they are presumptious and I should be able to get them what I want." This came from the lady in front of me.
Here are my thoughts on the matter:
Gift registries are a guideline of what the individual/couple want or need. It is a helpful hint for those poor souls (like myself) who have no idea where to start! It is also helpful to the individual/couple to keep from getting a lot of junk that piles up because no one knew what to get them.
A wide variety of price options and gifts are best for the registry. Some people may not have a lot of money to spend but would still like to buy something. On the other hand some people may have more money than they know what to do with and are pleased to buy you new furniture. Ha ha! (I am not sure where those people are yet, but I will send them your way when I find them.)
For the people with no money to sit back and scoff because "how dare they register for something so expensive" is ridiculous because some people may not want to buy a $100 worth of clothes pins and hangers. :)
I am not trying to be on a soapbox because I am getting married. I was just wondering if I am the only one that thinks this way. Because frankly even if you register it is an option and not everyone is going to go by it anyway. I have received several gifts already that were not on my registry and some were pretty inventive. Cheers to people that can think on their own. I am not one of them.
link | posted by Sweet Yet Sassy at 7:11 AM
September 12, 2008
Proof that I WAS at His Sister's Wedding
Mr. C's back was STILL hurting so he is propped up on the ledge. He isn't actually trying to get away from me. :)His sister told me last night that she was looking at all of her pictures and there weren't any of me! She had forgotten to tell me and pretty much just assumed that Mr. C would tell me that I needed to be there for the family pictures. So since no one let me know that I was to be in them I was not there early enough. I had to go get L'il C from her daddy's so she could be at the wedding.Here is the one picture of me and Mr. C at the wedding that the bridesmaid took of us. :)
link | posted by Sweet Yet Sassy at 9:15 AM
Showers Galore
Our church had a home improvement shower for us last night. We had a fun time. There were 5 men there total. Ha Ha! There were about 50 people in all. We received mostly cards, money, and gift cards. We also got an amazing quilt that one of the ladies made which I had mentioned wanting when I saw one at Mr. C's sister's shower last month. :) It is fall colors which is what our wedding will be. She made it extra big so it will cover Mr. C's toes since he is 6'4".
We had a few laughs when one of the older couples, the man has Alzheimer's, was taking a moment to share some "marriage advice". The man was talking about how great marriage was and turned to ask his wife what year they had been married in and she couldn't remember either.
Another lady was giving advice and it was all too poetic. She mentioned being willing to say you are sorry, don't go to bed angry, and make love every night. A hush came over the crowd and then everyone burst into laughter. It was actually quite hilarious coming from her.
Good times!
Our wedding decor will be in fall colors and fall leaves.

The money tree and gift table was filled once people arrived.
We didn't tell my mom that she picked margarita glasses for the center pieces! Ha!
My man always being funny. :)
The fabulous quilt! It has our names and wedding date sewn in as well.
Listening the funny people giving their advice.
Surprise present on my desk this morning.
A toast to fun gifts,
making love every night,
and forgetting your wedding date in 50 years!!
link | posted by Sweet Yet Sassy at 8:17 AM
September 11, 2008
On Top of Old Smokey & Spaghetti Too!
This is a song I hung almost daily but usually only get to the first of verse because I don't know the rest of the lyrics. And I generally start with the Old Smokey song and end up in the spaghetti song. I never knew why until just now. I don't think I have EVER heard all of the lyrics to On Top of Old Smokey.I just picked up L'il C from school (saddened by having to emerge from the warm covers so early this morning) and we were singing the song as she played the recorder haphazardly in the back seat. Since neither of us knew all of the lyrics to either I decided to look them up.I was cracking up at the actual words to On Top of Old Smokey. They were nothing like I thought they would be.You can check these links to find out what they are:On Top of Old SmokeyOn Top of Spaghetti
link | posted by Sweet Yet Sassy at 1:37 PM
September 04, 2008
Fall in September
I am LOVING today's weather!!! It is 62 and an overcast!! Bring on Fall!
Hayrides, roasted marshmallows, pretty trees, and snuggle bunnying by the fire I have missed you so!
link | posted by Sweet Yet Sassy at 7:27 AM
September 03, 2008
I'm a salad dressing?
This may not be funny to you but I was cracking up laughing. Someone found my website when they googled this, "bon cherie salad dressing"!
link | posted by Sweet Yet Sassy at 9:45 AM
September 02, 2008
4 Weeks and 4 Days!
I have had several people ask me if I was nervous about getting married and honestly until today I wasn't. Yes, I have had apprehensions because I am so bullheaded and I tease Mr. C about changing his mind. I have lived on my own for the last 7 years and have become pretty independent. But nervous hasn't been something that I have been feeling......until today.
It just hit me that I only have 32 days to finish everything!!!!!!!
My calendar is booked with everyone else and I have had to piece meal my wedding stuff and now I.AM.FREAKING.OUT!
I met with my wedding coordinator today. She is amazing. She also helped me realize how much I truly have already figured out. She took my mom with her today to look at some reception decorations.
Mr. C is going this week to order the tuxes. I have to call the photographer and set another appointment for our engagement pictures. Since Mr. C hurt his back we had to cancel the original appointment. His chiropractor may have to fly to Ireland with us. :(
This morning I have been working on our slideshow. I am going to have it showing as the song that my love wrote for me plays. Awwwww! How romantical!
So....although I am nervous about getting everything finished I am very excited.
I could not have picked a better man to spend the rest of my life with. He truly is amazing. He is loyal, honest, and tender. He is romantic, faithful, intelligent, and a good leader. He takes care of L'il C as if she were his own. He takes care of me beyond my wildest imagination. He loves me.
....and that is more than some people experience in a life time! I am truly blessed to be getting married to the most spectacular man I have ever met!
link | posted by Sweet Yet Sassy at 2:01 PM