October 30, 2008
Carrie Underwood In Concert
Last night my sister, some friends, and I went to see Carrie.
Oh yes! We had floor seats by the catwalk!!

link | posted by Sweet Yet Sassy at 11:31 AM
October 27, 2008
Please Do Not Try This At Home
When L'il C told me she had a dream about something and wanted to try to see if it worked I never dreamed this is what she had in mind!Inspire by the toys I bought her:

Woah! Still laughing (only to myself not in front of her).....
Ingenious! Kids believe they can do ANYTHING!
I must admit I did encourage her to see if it would work. I wanted picture proof in case she pulled it off! We could make millions!
link | posted by Sweet Yet Sassy at 4:37 PM
October 23, 2008
Honey...... I'm HOME!
Yes. Yes. I have been home a week....but a crazy week it has been. We hit the ground runnin'!We arrived back from Ireland last Thursday evening. Friday and Saturday we took our Youth to Youth Convention. Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday Brad and I attended an all day Real Estate Workshop. Yesterday was the first day I was back at work and quite swamped.So..... for the short of things..... Ireland was more spectacular than I could have imagined and the wedding went wonderfully. Everything was beautiful. I promise to post pictures and more info as soon as I have time to breath.MUAH!! ;)
link | posted by Sweet Yet Sassy at 8:08 AM
October 02, 2008
The Countdown is Almost Over!
Two more days people! Today all day the church is being decorated. I have a lot of last minute errands I have to run.Tomorrow I am spending the day with L'il C. We are going to have a Mommy and Me day. She is very excited about missing school and getting to sleep in. We will play games and have fun. At 2:00 my Bridal party is going to get manicures and pedicures. She is really looking forward to that as well.If I am as busy as I plan to be from this day forward I won't be able to post again until October 22nd. I know you will miss me. I would like to say I will miss you but I will be in wedding bliss and enjoying the amazing Island of Ireland!
link | posted by Sweet Yet Sassy at 8:55 AM
October 01, 2008
Tangerine Sauce...
...because 'Tangy' is just to hard too read!This morning L'il C was eating breakfast and one of the Arby's sauces was still sitting on the table from dinner last night. She was looking at the label and told me that she wanted to try the "Tangerine Sauce" sometime. In the other room, not realizing what the heck she was talking about I asked her if she had said "Tangerine Sauce".She said, "yes".So I went in to see what she was talking about. The label said "Tangy Barbecue Sauce". From now on we will be eating Tangerine Sauce with our beef!
link | posted by Sweet Yet Sassy at 10:31 AM