February 25, 2009
Raisin Pie
I didn't even realize such a thing as raisin pie even existed so I had never tried one much less cooked one. However, if you were to ask me if I would like a nice hot slice of delicious raisin pie, I would decline. I have never been a fan of cooked raisins. I will eat raisins all day long out of a box but there is just something about the texture of a plump raisin that has been cooked that is less than appealing to me.
So, when I was asked to make a dessert for a lady in our church who just had surgery and her husband told me that she really liked raisin pie my face was a little less than excited. Then it became my mission. Not only was I going to make that raisin pie but I wanted it to be the best raisin pie ever!
I am an excellent cook and love even more to bake. I can make absolutely delicious pies, coconut cream pie for sure. But when it comes to the crust, it is so sad looking. I can never get my dough to roll out thin enough without tearing holes in it. With the coconut cream pies I just had volumes of meringue to cover up the ugly crust and no one knew any different.
Not only do I have to now make a raisin pie, I have to make a 2 crust pie in which the crust would be visible. I decided even more bravely to make a lattice crust on top.
The result:
Not only was it not bad to look at for a novice, it was the best pie they had ever eaten.....better even than her mom's!!!
Just for the record, here is the recipe I used.
link | posted by Sweet Yet Sassy at 1:45 PM
February 23, 2009
Mimicking New Words
L'il C ran up to me last night with her diary in her hand letting me know that her cousin was trying to take it. Not only was he trying to take it, he was copying everything she said. Since he just thought he was trying to take a book, he didn't know what it was called so it went like this:L'il C - "Mom, he is trying to take my diary."Cousin - "Mom, he is trying to take my diarrhea."
link | posted by Sweet Yet Sassy at 8:56 AM
February 19, 2009
Stick People
My sister-in-law forwarded me an email with these in it. I thought I would share them with you.
link | posted by Sweet Yet Sassy at 9:15 AM
February 13, 2009
Signal Lights in Small Towns

Just what we needed in the adjacent town....one more signal light!
As if I am not running late enough in the mornings to get L'il C to school, the town her school is in has added one more signal light for me to get stopped at.
Although it is important for large towns to keep the main traffic areas moving and all of the lights stay green, it is not true in small towns. They are set up so that every other one will be green therefore forcing you to stop at every light. When one turns green the next will surely turn red before you get to it.These small towns want to make sure you stop by every store front to insure you see their town.
I finally got down the drive time and the short cuts so that even if I am pushing it the very minute, L'il C still slides in without a tardy. I can't get around this new light because it is at the edge of town and there isn't a side road bypassing it.
Sorry L'il C, you may start getting tardies!
link | posted by Sweet Yet Sassy at 8:43 AM
February 10, 2009
Random Update on Life
My posts have been limited. My apologies. I have been extremely busy. L'il C has basketball practice 2 nights a week plus games on Saturdays. We have church on Wednesdays and Sundays. I have Mary Kay meetings on Tuesdays. Which leaves Fridays and Saturdays evenings....except they are generally crammed packed with events as well. I have plans all the way through April!
Holy stinkin' cow! (Although L'il C constantly reminds me that cows aren't holy!) :)
We have been non stop since Thanksgiving and it doesn't look to get any slower.
Amy had a birthday that we celebrated 2 or 3 days this last week. My dad had a birthday that we also celebrated. That was fun. Happy Birthday!!!
Here comes Valentine's Day this weekend. We have to work an event on Valentine's Day for our church so Brad and I will be celebrating Friday. That is okay with us. Maybe it won't be as crowded.
Speaking of Brad.... It is hard to believe we have already been married 4 months!!! Woot Woot! It has been an adventure. I still believe he is an amazing husband. :) He did however apologize to me this morning for being a bad husband because he is 6'5" and doesn't really fit into the full size bed we have. So he tosses and turns all night and therefore neither of us sleep!
We are currently looking into getting a King size bed! :) I had one before I bought my house 4 years ago but I sold it. What was I thinking?!?! ....Well it wasn't future thoughts of marrying a giant. ha!
We are STILL working on our bathroom! Keep in mind we only have one and it has been under construction since October. This is the same bathroom that was going to be finished before we got back from Ireland to surprise us. Still.not.finished!
Brad and I finally finished painting the walls yesterday. He is putting the new light fixture in this evening. We still have to paint the trim so he can nail that back in as well as the cabinets. Yee haw!
We have thoroughly enjoyed playing outside the last couple of days. I am so ready for Spring!
Brad on L'il C's bike! Ha ha!
I had this really thought provoking post that I was excited about writing today. Forgot it while I was sleeping. Better write it down next time!
I better get some stuff done in the mean time. Have a beautiful day!
link | posted by Sweet Yet Sassy at 8:45 AM
February 09, 2009
Isn't he just the cutest thing!!!
(Cute little girl in the background too!!) :)
link | posted by Sweet Yet Sassy at 11:26 AM
February 08, 2009
If you don't like the weather, stay another day!
That is the motto here in Oklahoma! What I find to be funny is that everyone down plays the weatherman. They give him/her a hard time about never being right. If the weather man says there will be 20% snow that means 100%. Or if he says there will be 90% chance of rain it will be sunny and beautiful.Yet........We always watch the news or call the weather man to see the forecasted weather for the day!Hmmmm.....
link | posted by Sweet Yet Sassy at 11:13 AM