April 27, 2007
2 Things my kid can do that you wish yours could! LOL!
Conversation last night as L'il C was getting into bed:
L'il C-Mom, guess what I learned to do today.
Me-What sweetheart?
L'il C-I jumped rope. That is what I have ALWAYS wanted to do.
Me-Really? That is pretty cool.
L'il C-Yeah! But I can't double dutch yet.......or triple dutch. But I can ONE dutch!
Me-??? Alrighty then!
-Preface for second story-
A while back I told L'il C not to play with the two 5lb weights that I have because they were too heavy for her. In all grown up of ways she told me how strong she was and that she could do it. One hour later her middle finger was black, blue, and purple and completely swollen to the point of ridiculous.
Needless to say she has been babying that thing for the last month and a half. She changes the bandaid everday and won't let anyone else touch it.
Last night:
Li'l C-Mom?
L'il C-I went ahead and pulled that fingernail off.
Me-??? Blank Stare
L'il C-How 'bout we keep it in a baggie so I can show my dad! Mom, just write on there, "(insert her name)'s 1st fingernail off."
Me-??? Blank Stare Continues.....
Is she planning to have more than one fingernail come off??
My kid is cool!
link | posted by Sweet Yet Sassy at 8:15 AM
April 25, 2007
Bandanas, Ziplock Bags, and BLASTED PIGEONS!

(All those with A.D.D., please skip to point of story!) LOL!
For those of you that thought Bert's fettish for pigeons on Sesame Street was sweet, let me tell you how sadly mistaken you are!!
When I moved into my house 2 years ago next month, I never realized how my next door neighbor's hobby would effect me! While in conversation with my dad, my neighbor mentioned that he raced pigeons. Dad listened intently, readily deciding in his head that he too wanted to race pigeons!
Shortly after he purchased and started breeding pigeons, raccoons started attacking them and ripping their heads off for sport. Now my dad doesn't cry easily. When I saw how tore up he was over this my heart went out to him. He caught me at a VERY weak moment. He follows up this horrific story with, "Can I keep them in your shed temporarily until I can find a new place for them?"
TWO YEARS LATER and NOT SO TEMPORARY!!!....Those freakin' birds are still there! Now instead of 12 birds they have multiplied into over 250 birds!!!!!!!! (For all you insane people that go over board with rights for animals---back off!---There is plenty of airflow, nests, water bottles, and everything else these birds need)
Which brings me to my next point. My dad goes on vacation frequently. (now in his world it really isn't frequently, but in my world it is) Who do you think he asks to take care of these stinky things when he gone??? (Well, not me anymore. I whined to the point of ridiculous and now he won't even ask me. So, that only leaves my sister and her husband!) Why did I whine? I never realized I was scared of birds. And I really am not scared of a bird or two. But 250 birds moulting, flying, and pooping over my head doesn't really make me love them. Too be more specific....IT.FREAKS.ME.OUT! I HATE being dirty and they are beyond that!
******POINT OF STORY*******
Last night, my sister and her husband were running late to meet someone for dinner and she came over to feed the birds. But.....she did not just go feed the birds and leave. She knocks on MY door for me to come help her! Say what?!
I promptly told her how much I hated her (which she knows was a lie) and told her that was an insane idea. (walks to room to change clothes)
So, to begin my journey of the ridiculous I put on windpants, a yucky shirt, a baseball cap (because they favor pooping on me), and flipflops (which I regretted later). Then to help from breathing the nastiness we wrapped bandanas around our faces!
I then resorted to ziplock baggies for gloves as I was not going to touch the mounds of crap on and in the water bottles we had to empty out and replace!
We were a sight!
link | posted by Sweet Yet Sassy at 1:55 PM
April 20, 2007
Interview Questions...
Thanks to
soapbox.SUPERSTAR and all the laughs her blog has supplied me the last couple of years....... She came up with 5 questions from her "Book of Questions" so that I could answer them!
So here they are!
01. If you could have free, unlimited service for five years from an extremely good cook, chauffer, housekeeper, masseuse, or personal secretary, which would you choose and why?If I could have free, unlimited service for five years I would definitely pick the housekeeper!
Why? Because I am quite capable at doing everything else! HA! I am an awesome cook. Although I am not an awesome driver, I am capable of getting where I need to go and would prefer driving myself. A masseuse, well that would be heaven and definitely a runner up! Personal secretary? Nah, I am too anal and want to do it myself!
But....the housekeeping bit overwhelms me. I hate clutter yet I am a packrat! Those 2 things are an AWFUL mix!
02. Are there people that you envy enough to want to trade lives with them? Who are they?You know a few years ago my answer would have been yes. But today the answer is no. I love my life and if there something about it I wish were different, I know I have the control to change it!
03. What would constitute a perfect evening for you?
There are so many possibilities for a perfect evening! I don't think I could pick just one. Walking on the beach at sunset, sitting in a coffee shop reminiscing with friends, cuddling on a couch with soft music watching the fire burn in the fireplace, cookout with friends and family.... I think anywhere doing anything with company I enjoy would be a perfect evening!
04. What do you like best about your life? What do you like least?
What I like best about my life would definitely be my family and the friends I have met along the way! What I like least about my life would be having to watch my baby girl being torn between her mommy and daddy everytime she has to go back and forth!
05. What has been your biggest disappointment in life? Your biggest failure?
My biggest disappointment? Let's see here....Probably to meet someone and think they are everything you hoped for only to find out differently!
My biggest failure would be that I didn't have a chance to make my marriage work once I realized there was a problem. He had already made up his mind that he didn't want to work at it. I learned more about life through my divorce than any other thing I have succeeded at. So, I guess.....my biggest failure ended up having a very positive impact on me! (Although I don't recommend anyone getting a divorce to learn a lesson. There are still so many negative things about it that are not worth it!)
Keep the good times rollin' and do the following:
01. Leave me a comment saying, “Interview me.”
02. I will respond by asking you five questions. I get to pick the questions.
03. You will update your weblog with the answers to the questions.
04. You will include this explanation and an offer to interview someone else in the same post.
05. When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions.
link | posted by Sweet Yet Sassy at 11:33 AM
April 10, 2007
Medium Rare Bubbles.....

L'il C and I were playing in the yard yesterday afternoon. I just bought her this really cool bubble wand for Easter. We were having a good time.
I would blow the bubbles and she would run and chase them and pop them. I began to have a delima. I told her that when I blew them high they would blow away and she couldn't reach them. And if I blew them too low they would pop on the grass before she could catch them.
She looked at me with all sincerety and said, "Well, mom...why don't you just blow them medium rare???"
link | posted by Sweet Yet Sassy at 11:35 AM