January 25, 2008
Mad Money
Amy and I went to see Mad Money last night. We enjoyed a $4 hotdog immensely...even more than normal since it was $4!! HA!It was a pretty good movie. We had quite a few laughs! I really like Queen Latifah. And Katie Holmes is so cute. Her character cracks me up in this movie.Too bad it isn't that easy to walk away with that much cash and not have a felony on your record! :)
link | posted by Sweet Yet Sassy at 7:42 AM
January 16, 2008
Mom's and Video Games!
This week I heard on the radio that the number one video game being played by mom's right now is Guitar Hero II. If you have been keeping up with my blog you know that I really like playing that game so I had to laugh to myself.Being a single mom I do not spend extra money on the internet, cable, video games, etc. Don't get me wrong, my daughter and I aren't lacking in forms of entertainment-we have a HUGE backyard, bicycles, scooters, board games, etc. and I would just as soon be playing something together than L'il C being morphed into the video game.Nonetheless, her dad knows how much she wanted a Nintendo DS and he bought her one for his house and one to keep at our house. (Which I might add was VERY thoughtful of him!!) Which brings me to the point of my story....(which I am sure you thought I would never get too! HA!) L'il C went to her dad's last night and I won't lie, I was just a little bit curious about this new piece of equipment and how it worked. She had Mario Brothers loaded in there and I MIGHT have played it for an extended period of time before bed last night. :) I had forgotten how much fun that game was back when I played it on the REGULAR Nintendo (not too mention SUPER Nintendo!) HA!When I was talking to Mr. C about it last night I brought up the fact that aside from Mario Brothers there was an old game that I would play that Bugs Bunny would go up through tunnels to get to the different levels. He said he remembered that game and that he had played it before. I didn't hardly believe him as I knew that that was before he had been introduced to video games. But he assured me that he had and I believed him when it was all said and done. He did not, however, remember the original Atari's and Frogger! HA HA! (which now by looking online they have made considerable updates to the game Frogger and even have it available on XBOX now.)
link | posted by Sweet Yet Sassy at 7:56 AM
January 14, 2008
Peekin' Over
HA HA! It looks like she is peeking over. (This is what a picture looks like when she takes it of herself!)
link | posted by Sweet Yet Sassy at 1:40 PM
January 09, 2008
You Choose!
The Original Picture
or the Picture
Doctored up by:
Mr. C
If you can get the picture big enough the tag between is glasses is a gold piece that says PIMP! LOL!
I am loving my red eyeshadow and hooker red lipstick (out of the lines). :)
link | posted by Sweet Yet Sassy at 12:31 PM
January 08, 2008
Happy 7th Birthday L'il C!
My Dearest Baby Girl~
Your sweet charm, charisma, and sincere concern for others amazes me! Your spunk, flare, and sparkle captivates me! You are beautiful inside and out! You have become undoubtedly the coolest kid I know!
The joy you bring to my life can never be expressed in mere words! You make me laugh on a daily basis; whether it is with your quick wit or by coincidence...Thank you!
Watching you grow has been the best adventure I have ever experienced! I thank God for you daily! You truly are an amazing gift! I hope you have an amazing year being seven. I look forward to all of the fun things you will learn and experience this year.
I love you 'BIG TALL'! Happy 7th Birthday my Sweet Angel!
Love always,
link | posted by Sweet Yet Sassy at 1:36 PM
January 04, 2008
Shin Splints?
My daughter spent most of the day New Year's running with her cousins that she hasn't seen in two years because they have been in Houston and Arizona. She had a lot of fun with them....as did I with their parents.
When we got home my mom said that L'il C had been complaining that her leg hurt and thought she may have pulled a muscle.
Later when Mr. C asked to see her leg she pulled up both pant legs to feel which one was the hurt one before she showed him the right leg. LOL.
The next day she was talking to me about her leg but to start the conversation she asked, "Mom, do you remember my leg that had the pulled bone?"
Uhm....Can you pull a bone? LOL!
link | posted by Sweet Yet Sassy at 8:44 AM