June 29, 2007
Speckled Poop!
Little Miss~ You may be the only one that finds this humorous! In honor of the fact that my blog has, for the most part, refrained from body secretions! LOL!

Does anyone know what the above picture is?? Well I will tell you! That is called Flax Seeds. My father eats these because they are healthy. L'il C asked him for some. Since they are healthy my father gives her a CUP full!!
Since the seeds are pretty small, she sucks on them but doesn't really chew any of them.
Therefore when she hollared for me to come make sure she had wiped sufficiently, I started cracking up laughing! Forgetting that she had eaten the above seeds I am wondering what the heck is going on! Then I figured it out!
I am not kidding. The stuff in the toilet was more like pure flax seeds laced with just enough poop to hold them together! LOL!
link | posted by Sweet Yet Sassy at 7:07 AM
June 28, 2007
L'il C Incorporated
So I am seriously wondering if this is my blog or my daughter's..... I tell more stories about things she says than things that happen to me. Well, come to think of it.... She pretty much IS my LIFE so that ends that... It is my blog and I can type about her all I want! :)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Yesterday Afternoon:C - Mom, can you get my karaoke machine down from the top of my closet? I have to do a ceremony real quick.Me-Sure sweetie. (Walking out of room thinking.... Did my child just tell me she needs to do a ceremony?! and for that matter she needs to do one real quick...) Rock on L'il C! Ceremony away!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~This one is late, but I wrote it down when she said it and misplaced it.Last week of Kindergarten:C- Mom! This was the WORST day of my life! We had to practice graduation TWO TIMES and we didn't even get to play beads!!(Wow! If that is the worst day of her life I want to trade lives!)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~A week or so ago:C- Mom, pretend I have a new boyfriend. He is cute and his hair 'sticked' up like a mohawk. K?!Me- LOL! Uhm....a mohawk, huh?! Okay.... do you even know what a mohawk is??C- Yeah mom. But don't worry, Daddy and J (stepmom) will make him cut it because they always make me cut my hair!Me- Well that is probably a good thing this time. :)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~The other night: (I forget now what we were talking about. It had something to do with the 90's)C - (casual) You know, in the 90's there were dinosaurs.Me-Uhm No. Dinosaurs were before people.C- So were there people in the 90's??NOPE! No people in the 90's.
link | posted by Sweet Yet Sassy at 6:35 PM
June 27, 2007
Growin' UP!
L'il C rode her bike for the first time withOUT training wheels today!!!
GO L'IL C!!! Mommy is SO proud!
link | posted by Sweet Yet Sassy at 2:56 PM
June 08, 2007
Is that really in the Bible?!
L'il C tells me to have a seat that she wants to preach and tell me a story. So she sets the Bible down on the counter, opens it up somewhere in the middle and tells me that she can't read all of it so she is going to tell the story her own way. Now, she is actually very familiar with most of the stories so I am anticipating one that she knows.
However, it goes something like this....
"One day there was this little boy walking down the street. His name was, well we will just call him Tom. And he was walking with this little girl. Guess what her name was?? (With a look that says, you are really gonna be excited about this!) It was YOUR name mom, (insert my entire full name)!! And they met this other little girl named (L'il C's name). They were best friends and had met the day before. They were triplets."
Me-"Sweetie, they can't be triplets if they just met yesterday. Triplets are three babies born from the same mom at the same time."
"Oh! Well then they were just the 3 best friends walking down the street. Anyway, Tim, who is kinda like Tom only with an I instead of an O came along and he was their friend too. One of them was the really cute boy."
Me- "I want the cute one."
"Okay, you can have Tom, the cute one and I will take the dumb one!"
Me-LOL. "Why do you want a dumb one?"
"Okay, Tim can be the smart one. He knows everything. You can have the cute one and I will take the smart one."
End of story
I don't know about you, but I didn't realize that story was in the Bible. But just so you know.. Me and my daughter are in the Bible and you aren't!!! (Oh and I married the cute one!) Ha!
link | posted by Sweet Yet Sassy at 11:00 AM
June 07, 2007
Funny Things from L'il C
L'il C does not like to have her hair blow dried. Simply put...it takes time out from her play time! However, I insist on at least drying her bangs so she doesn't look like a homely child. (read as: I am anal and a perfectionist)Anyway she was in the bathtub this morning and said, "Mom....if you will just blow dry my bangs... I will give you something of mine."Child, don't try to bribe me! I am the only one in this household with the authority to bribe... Seriously?! Besides what would I say, "Yes, please...I will take your Strawberry Shortcake pillow....??"~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~As I am blowdrying the bangs....I hear her singing a pretty tune however I can't quite make out the words she is singing. So when I turned off the dryer I asked her what the pretty song was. She said, "Oh you know...I was just making up stuff to sing." To which I replied, "Oh it sounded like a song I had heard before."She said, "Oh. Well I put 'wake me up when September ends' in it." :)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Pointing to her stitched crayon box.....L'il C "This Thang is Tore-uh right here and right here."Me "Sweetie, I know you are from the South but you should actually say, 'this is torn'."~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"Mom, in one month I will be 6 and a quarter.""No Sweetie, you will be 6 1/2.""Then that must mean I am already six and a quarter! Woo Hoo!"~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(Preface: I'm telling you if I wrote down everything funny she ever said I would constantly be writing. However she has become extremely self conscious when I laugh at the unintentional funny things she does. Therefore I have to be extremely careful to smile gently and not crack up and then proceed to drop the situation. If I laugh out loud she immediately gets a sad face and makes me promise not to tell ANYONE the funny thing she just did.)As I was trying to discreetly write down the funny things she said so I could blog about it...I hollared at her from my room, "Hey Babe... what was the part you added in your made up song??"I hear her walking to my room so I chunk the paper so she won't read it. "Why Mom?! Are you gonna tell people?!"Me sitting there staring blankly since I was busted..."Honey I was just wondering.""That's fine, Mom. You can tell however many people you want."Therefore.... I AM! :)
link | posted by Sweet Yet Sassy at 9:33 AM
June 04, 2007
Sugar High

Sugar High?? Well, not quite but it could have been!
I walked down the hall to the kitchen at work to find my daughter to let her know we were leaving to go eat dinner. As I turned the corner she is walking out with this piece of cake on a plate!
As I knew that she did not get that cake by herself, I ask her for the cake and head on into the kitchen where my dad is waiting knowing full well what was coming next!
Me- Dad??
Dad- Smirking but not making eye contact.... no response....
Me- Did you seriously give L'il C this gigantic piece of cake with 3 inches of icing on the top??
Dad- Well yeah.
Me-Beside the fact that you know I wouldn't EVER let her have that much sugar at one time, do you realize it is dinner time???
Dad-I know but she asked if she could have it.
Me-I love how logic, reason, and sensibility get thrown out the window when your 6 year old granddaughter has you wrapped!!
link | posted by Sweet Yet Sassy at 12:22 PM