March 31, 2011
Birthing and Labor DVD's
The count is on! 32 days until the estimated due date of my 2nd daughter and I am so ready!!
I have evidently forgotten so much in 10 years about the craziness a body goes through to house a child for 40 weeks and I am NOT one of those "it's so nice to be pregnant" kind of people. I LOVE being a mommy once the child is born.
Needless to say, I do remember what it was like giving birth and it really wasn't bad the first time. (realizing that all births are different and the 2nd may be harder) I went in at 7 a.m. By this I mean my husband took the time to park the car in the parking garage and we walked down the airway to the hospital, up to the labor and delivery floor and checked in. They didn't believe I was in labor or that I walked up and was not rushed up in a wheelchair. I let them know that my contractions were 3-4 minutes apart and that if this was Braxton Hicks I would just as soon they lie to me and let me stay. I was dialated to a 4 and they kept me. Not long after I had my epidural and played the waiting game. The epidural slowed my labor and they gave me a shot of pitocin to speed it back up. At 4:45 the doctor walked in. I pushed twice and she was here at 4:47 p.m. No lie. Everyone joked that I had no idea what it was like to give birth.
Now albeit I have had one child, this is Brad's first. He and L'il C are my 2 chosen people that I want with me in the delivery room. I told L'il C months ago this and that I was going to have her watch a birthing video before we go so she has an idea of what to expect. Brad found out about the video and was adamant about watching it as well. I thought he was kidding. He was not. He is really nervous and does not want to pass out from what he may or may not see. This did make me laugh a little. Men! We women are truly the stronger beings. :)
I just received a call and the videos are in. I WILL be watching them first to make sure they aren't the goriest of videos. We sure don't want him freaking out for the next 4 weeks. :D
link | posted by Sweet Yet Sassy at 12:46 PM
March 29, 2011
Goulash and Brownies
I must say I made the most scrumptious goulash ever last night. I have never been a huge fan of the stuff but I found a recipe the other day and was truly looking forward to trying it. I am so glad that it did not disappoint! It was very simple and we all had seconds!....Yes, I did pay for it later with my exteremely tight tummy. Then Brad wanted me to bake brownies...and who can resist hot homemade brownies. I ate a couple of those as well. :D
Goulash recipe thanks to C. Beasley:
1 lb hamburger meat
1 large onion
1 1/2 c uncooked macaroni noodles
1 T flour
1 T vinegar
1qt/4 c tomato juice
salt and pepper to taste
1 c shredded cheese(I used mozzerella)
Combine hamburger meat and chopped onion in 12" skillet and brown. Stir in uncooked macaroni noodles while meat finishes cooking until the begin to brown.
Add flour, vinegar, tomato juice, salt and pepper. Cover and simmer until half of the juices cook out and the macaroni is tender. Stir in cheese. Serve!
link | posted by Sweet Yet Sassy at 8:10 AM
March 24, 2011
Playing Catch Up
Last Saturday the church I grew up in threw a baby shower for us. There was over 50 people there. We received a wide variety of things. I don't have digital copies of the pictures yet so I don't have any to post. I was very surprised that the amount of duplicated items were slim and there was only one bath set. (Which is okay by me because I like certain brands...primarily because most scents give me headaches.)We now have everything we need. I was so excited. We have the beautiful crib and bedding that we wanted, the 2 carseats we needed/wanted, the high chair we wanted and a variety of smaller things that we wanted and needed as well. We ended up with 1,012 diapers from Newborn-Size 2. That should last a month or two! :DL'il C and I have been going through the clothes: taking the tags off of everything and washing them before she gets here. Baby A's nursery is almost finished. I just have to buy curtain rods for the windows.We went to the doctor last week. L'il C had asked me previously, "What happens if it ends up being a boy?!" I won't lie, I hadn't even considered it after the ultrasound showed it was a girl until she said something. Then I started to panic since we had found out at 13 weeks.....what if it did end up being a boy?! So I used her as the reason I asked the doctor to check again. :DHe did and reassured us that it was 3 billion percent girl! Thank Goodness...I already washed the clothes!He said if it ended up being a boy he would paint our entire house, make us dinner, and carpool us around where ever we needed to go. I should have told him even if it wasn't he still could do those things. It would be nice. :D
link | posted by Sweet Yet Sassy at 11:34 AM
March 08, 2011
1st Shower for Baby A
My sister and mother did an incredible job hosting a shower for me with my close friends. Great food and fun decorations....and Amy only added just one cheesey game (her words). :D
My mom took these pictures so she didn't make it in any of them and I don't have the copies from the other cameras yet. I told her candid shots so most of the time people are making funny faces from talking.
Love, love, love my friends that took the time out of their busy schedules to spend time with me. It meant so much to me for them all to be there.

Amber, s-i-l Carolyn, & Cindy

Two of my sister-in-laws, Jaime & April is hiding her face. My m-i-l, Terri, is cracking up because everytime my mom tried to take a picture of her she was taking a picture of my mom.

Candace is cracking me up in this one.
Not sure if she is looking at the dog or stretching her baby bump.
Jaela, her 2 girls, Mickey, & Candace
Annette, Katie, & Starr
My awesome hostess and sister, Amy, playing the one cheesey game. :)

Love fun handmade gifts..thanks Katie!
(L'il C is patiently waiting for me to open her gift.)

Another fun gift my friend, Annette, made.

My sister-in-law appreciates my love for St. Patrick's Day!

The crib my wonderful family bought for us!!!! Love it!
I didn't want to load and reload it so they had it delivered to my house. :D

My most precious gift was from my daughter. She, with my mom's help, made this blanket for her sister. She picked everything out and hand darted all of the squares together. She was very excited for me to open this. It was perfect!!! Thanks L'il C.

Look how proud she she should be.

All the fun goodies, minus the crib, on my couch for Brad to see. :)

Most importantly, thanks to everyone that showed up. It wouldn't have been a fun party without you. Thank you as well for the fun gifts. I love them all.
link | posted by Sweet Yet Sassy at 8:26 AM
March 03, 2011
Please Help!!! Eviction Notice Given
Eviction notice given. Needed: 1 single dwelling, expanded living space for next 2 months for tiny growing person to continue developing. Has outgrown current living conditions and walls can not be expanded any further without damaging the facility. Contact immediately if you have such space available. :D
link | posted by Sweet Yet Sassy at 9:47 AM
March 01, 2011
Just one?!
** Preface:I haven't made many posts of the funny things L'il C says anymore because I didn't realize how much it embarrassed her and made her start being on the introverted side. I never ever wanted to do this to my child. I have tried to explain to her so many times that she is my joy and that when I laugh at the funny things she does, it is a good thing. And even more when I tell people the funny things she does it is because she makes my heart smile.Having said has been a while and she made me smile yesterday and I truly think that one day she will appreciate me documenting the funny things she said.So.....Yesterday after I picked her up from school I stopped by the house to get something. L'il C asked if that was all I was getting because she would stay in the car if it was. I told her no that I intended to let the dogs outside as well. She said in that case she was going to get out for a breath of fresh air.I told her to only take one. She said, "Huh?!" I told her that she had said she was going to take A BREATH of fresh air and for her to only take one. She laughed and said, "In that case, I am going to get out and take a multitude of breaths!" :D What kid says multitude? What grown up for that matter?? L'il C, I love you. You are so funny.
link | posted by Sweet Yet Sassy at 7:59 AM