November 29, 2006
Eating Grass?!
My mom, Dad, and I went to eat lunch with L'il C today. I am not sure what brought it up but my mom and L'il C were talking about spinach with her little friend S. S is very allergic to most foods...eggs, milk, red dye, nuts, etc.
L'il C told my mom, in a voice that was very matter of fact, that S could not eat grass. My mom couldn't help but laugh and mentioned that spinach was not made of grass.
L'il C said, "Well she can't eat salad. Is that made of grass??"
link | posted by Sweet Yet Sassy at 1:57 PM
November 26, 2006
Contact Me
link | posted by Sweet Yet Sassy at 7:23 AM
November 21, 2006
$$$ for Mom
So sweetly I have been presented with about 25 squares of cut up plain paper.L'il C-Here mom. Here's $1,000 for you!Me-Great! Is this my Christmas $$?L'il C-Nope, Birthday money.Me-Yea! I get to go shopping!L'il C whispering in my ear-Mom, it is not REAL money!(And to think I could have been out shopping by now if she hadn't told me it wasn't real!)
link | posted by Sweet Yet Sassy at 10:13 AM
November 20, 2006
Bored to Death, At Work with Mom!
L'il C is out of school this entire week for Thanksgiving. I have to work Monday-Wednesday so she is with me here at work-which isn't a problem because my dad is the boss. HA!I am sitting at my desk and my daughter calls me over the intercom to tell me she needs me in the kitchen. When I walk in she tells me that she needs to have a meeting.I asked her what kind of meeting she was needing to have.Looking at me directly she says, "A MAJOR one!.....with you."uhm....okay...."About what sweetie?""My loose tooth", she replied.Well great, Babe! I am so glad that you had me walk to the kitchen (which isn't that far but still) to have a MAJOR meeting with me about a tooth that is finally loose after a YEAR of you telling me it was loose and is STILL NOT ready to come out.Meeting adjourned.
link | posted by Sweet Yet Sassy at 10:07 AM
November 16, 2006
I am a people person. I love to be hanging out with friends.I sit in a room with no window all day.... BY.MYSELF!!!!Not only that but this week I have not felt like doing one thing that I am supposed to be doing. Just a few minutes ago I had to accomplish SIX things that had yesterday for a deadline because I forgot to do them yesterday.If the deadline hadn't been yesterday I prolly wouldn't have done them today either.My mom, sister, and I took a vote to do nothing for a week......Too bad our votes don't count! :(
link | posted by Sweet Yet Sassy at 11:50 AM
November 15, 2006
I absolutely love the cute things kids say. I usually try to eat lunch with L'il C about once a week. She is in kindergarten and went to the same school last year for K4. She even has the same teacher this year because the teacher moved up. I was the homeroom mother last year and because of all of this I have established a good raport with the kids in her class/school.When I was standing in line today I was talking to one of L'il C's friends about her headband. On Wednesdays their uniforms are different than the other days because of chapel. I told her I liked it and asked her where she got it. Proudly she felt the top of her head and patted it and then pulled it off. She said, "I got it from home." (good answer from a 5 year old)Then she added, "Well actually I got it from 'the chapel store'. I got my shoes from 'the chapel store', I got my socks from 'the chapel store', and my dress from 'the chapel store'. (again all from a 5yr old)Does anyone know where a chapel store is??? I need a headband to match L'il C's uniform. :)
link | posted by Sweet Yet Sassy at 12:26 PM
November 14, 2006
Being that my birthday and Christmas are in the same month it kind of passes by somewhat quickly. I do celebrate my half birthday (in June) however so I can have some additional party time. :) (My sister and I both do and have always done this.)So since I have been on the official 30 day countdown since November 1st my sister has been asking me for gift ideas.I made a list and CAN.NOT.FIND.IT!Therefore I am just curious...... Do you think Target/Dillard's will let me use their Bridal Registry so I can register for my Birthday/Christmas presents?!?!
link | posted by Sweet Yet Sassy at 2:35 PM
November 13, 2006
1. Save the whales. Collect the whole set. 2. A day without sunshine is like...night. 3. On the other hand, you have different fingers. 4. 42.7 percent of all statistics are made up on the spot. 5. 99 percent of lawyers give the rest a bad name. 6. Remember, half the people you know are below average. 7. He who laughs last thinks slowest. 8. Depression is merely anger without enthusiasm. 9. The early bird may get the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese in the trap. 10. Support bacteria. They're the only culture some people have. 11. A clear conscience is usually the sign of a bad memory. 12. Change is inevitable, except from vending machines. 13. If you think nobody cares, try missing a couple of payments. 14. How many of you believe in psycho-kinesis? Raise my hand. 15. OK, so what's the speed of dark? 16. When everything is coming your way, you're in the wrong lane. 17. Hard work pays off in the future. Laziness pays off now. 18. Everyone has a photographic memory. Some just don't have film. 19. How much deeper would the ocean be without sponges? 20. Eagles may soar, but weasels don't get sucked into jet engines. 21. What happens if you get scared half to death twice? 22. I couldn't repair your brakes, so I made your horn louder. 23. Why do psychics have to ask you for your name? 24. Inside every older person is a younger person wondering what happened. 25. Light travels faster than sound. That is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak. 26. Life isn't like a box of chocolates... it's more like a jar of jalapenos. What you do today might burn your stomach tomorrow. 27. Just remember - if the world didn't suck, we would all fall off.
Have a fantabulous day!!!
link | posted by Sweet Yet Sassy at 9:29 AM
November 09, 2006
I can help!
link | posted by Sweet Yet Sassy at 7:25 AM
November 08, 2006
Painting R Us!
-Hi. May I have a job painting lines on the road?
-Can you paint a straight line?
-Well, no! Is that required?!
-Definitely not--you are hired!
link | posted by Sweet Yet Sassy at 12:56 PM
November 07, 2006
Road Safety
Now the baby doesn't necessarily need a helmet to avoid hitting pavement....she needs a helmet to avoid being suffocated from the fat people on either side of her.Hello? Who does this?!
link | posted by Sweet Yet Sassy at 12:20 PM
November 06, 2006
Excuse me, but when did 5 year olds start caring about personal hygiene? !L'il C told me that she was sweaty and smelled like onions. I thought maybe she had heard this from one of her older friends. So I checked for evidence. Sure enough....ONIONS!So the next day after her bath, in jest, I asked her if she wanted some of my deoderant. She did. The day after that when she got out of the bath, I dressed her. We were fixing her hair and she looked at me in horror! "Mom, you forgot my durr-roderunt!"
link | posted by Sweet Yet Sassy at 7:27 AM
November 01, 2006
In Lieu of Internet Shopping...
link | posted by Sweet Yet Sassy at 8:49 AM