May 31, 2007
Visions In Clouds

Driving home yesterday, L'il C is in the backseat when she proudly
announces the following:
"Hey Mom.... I just saw a cloud shaped like a robot trying to get a
COOL Babe! I don't think I have ever seen THAT before!
link | posted by Sweet Yet Sassy at 11:26 AM
May 30, 2007
The Flight There...

Friday the new guy and I took a trip to get my new car!
Since the driving distance was 805 miles and he had to be back at work Saturday morning by 7:00....we decided to fly down there and drive back instead of driving there and back.
Our flight was scheduled to leave at 6:20 a.m. Knowing that morning flights were the busiest and that it was a holiday weekend, we decided to NOT be early! ??? Somehow even with intricate planning we did not get to the airport until 5:30. Anyone that has flown anywhere knows that that is not enough time.
After standing in the line at the Delta check-in the lady politely tells us that our flight is through Continental..... (Blank Stares)
Finally, we get through the Continental line and the attendant tells us we need to get to Gate 22 quickly! (Ya think!?)
New guy and I ran up the stopped escalator since everyone else was gliding slowly up the working one only to get to the top floor and see the forever long line to get through security.
After weaving in and out and in and out, we finally asked a guy at the front if we can cut to catch our 6:00 flight. With a look of disgust and a phrase of irritation he lets us know that we would only be waiting a few more minutes but let us in front anyway. (Thanks kind irritated sir!)
It is a good thing they did. There is just something about the non common spelling of my name that they freakin' RED FLAG me every single time I fly. Therefore, since we had all the time in the world we had to go to the side to be searched.
The lady was very nice and let me know that she would hurry.
After both of us were violated, I mean checked by security. I picked up my sandals, he grabbed the bag and we hauled ***! I almost took out a woman with a baby as I turned the corner. Oops. (Apologies to woman with the baby) We were most definitely the last 2 on the plane. I apologized to the pilot to which he smiled and said that we were just in time!
We totally felt like Home Alone! LOL!
link | posted by Sweet Yet Sassy at 9:14 AM
Thank You For Noticing My Absence! :)
Yes, I have failed you faithful readers. However, I had important things to take care of. :) Please forgive me. I have been extremely busy.
Last week was L'il C's last week of Kindergarten. We had a track and field day Wednesday. That was fun. Thursday we were supposed to have a field trip to the zoo but rain has yet to cease here. So.... I ended up with L'il C and 3 school friends at my house for a free day!
This weekend was jammed packed with family gatherings for the holiday weekend. Then I have to turn back around this week and get L'il C ready for her FIRST dance recital! (tap and ballet)We had rehearsal last night and then the 2 performances tonight and tomorrow.
I should be back up to par soon! Please be patient! HA!
link | posted by Sweet Yet Sassy at 8:07 AM
May 22, 2007
Feelin' Fabulous

Today is a FABULOUS day! Nothing spectacular has happened.
Attitude is a choice! I choose today to Smile!
I hope you choose to have a Fabulous Day as well! No matter what is
going on in your life, it is YOUR life! If something gets you down it has
power over your life! It is your choice how it effects you. I have
sad days but today will not be one of them!
Go out and have a coke and a smile!
link | posted by Sweet Yet Sassy at 9:22 AM
May 21, 2007
A Moments Peace Please!!!!

I have been staying up MUCH later than my normal bedtime recently because I have found more interesting things to do than sleep. :) HOWEVER, it has really started kicking my butt!
All I wanted was a peaceful Sunday afternoon nap before I had to go pick my sister up from the airport who was returning from Antalya, Turkey. I had already been threatened with my life not to forget picking them up. (Last time I fell asleep and forgot! LOL)
So I set 3 alarms to make sure I was awake in time to get them....
I turned my phone to silent and closed my bedroom door. L'il C was spending the afternoon with my mom so I thought all of my bases had been covered.
I am awakened to the sound of my Mother pounding on my bedroom window hollaring my name......AGAIN!!!!!!!!! Are you freakin' kidding me?? I know I did not forget my sister AGAIN...., WHAT THE HECK IS IT THIS TIME?!!?
I jump straight up and RAN to the front door thinking something must be BAD wrong for her to be banging on my window again after I threatened to beat her with a stick if she ever did it again last time.
Her - I asked you to leave the key to "my sister's" house in her mailbox so I can drop her dog off.
Me - "Mom....... The key IS in the mailbox right where you told me to leave it."
Her - I didn't see it....
After that lovely intermission to my nap, I noticed I had 5 missed calls and 3 txt messages.
I think I would rather of had those calls wake me up than someone beating down my house...
I am pretty sure I am going to go beat on her bedroom window at 2:00 in the morning real soon!
link | posted by Sweet Yet Sassy at 11:47 AM
May 17, 2007
A bit disturbed...
As I was walking down the sidewalk up to to the post office today I noticed
a very sharp looking woman in front of me. She was several paces in
front of me and very likely was not even aware that I was behind her.
However, I was very aware that she was in front of me. Right before she
reaches for the door to go in, this sharp looking business lady FARTS! Not
an "oops that slipped" fart! It was a loud "I'm at home alone in my livingroom"
Was she deaf?? Did she realize that anyone within 50 feet could hear
her? Did she just not care?!
Because I know what she did not do was make sure no one was around and
better yet she kept walking as if nothing happened!
Do you think I could now walk into the post office with a straight
face?! I.THINK.NOT!
I could not stop laughing.
...Hope her britches were still clean! LOL!
link | posted by Sweet Yet Sassy at 10:35 PM
May 08, 2007
Kindergarten Graduation

How quickly time flies! It seems like yesterday L'il C started Pre-K. Now
she is graduating Kindergarten in 2 weeks!
I love you BabyGirl! Mommy is SO proud of you!
link | posted by Sweet Yet Sassy at 12:25 PM
May 07, 2007
L'il C and Harry Connick Jr.
Scanning through the internet listening to music, L'il C saw a picture of
Harry Connick Jr. In all the grown up voice a 6 yr old can muster, she
declares, "Oooo! He looks good!"
link | posted by Sweet Yet Sassy at 7:07 PM
My Post Secret Would Read....
I was walking down the sidewalk to the post office and there was a cat perched up on the ledge. It seems like everytime I go there is a new one hangin' out there. Everytime I go past one of them, I meow at them to say hi. It is compulsive and I feel like I would be rude if I didn't meow at them.
So.... My Post Secret would read....
I feel like I MUST MEOW everytime I walk by a cat because they will cast spells on me with their beady little eyes if I don't.
link | posted by Sweet Yet Sassy at 12:21 PM

Remember the old Budweiser commercials that had the ridiculous jingle about becoming "that guy"?? Whether it was the trash picker upper guy or the parking meter guy...etc....
Well this morning I went to get my fabulous White Chocolate and Berries Cappuccino and started cracking up laughing. At QT they sell corndogs. However, all of the sticks have been pulled out so they can fit more on the warmer at a time.
Therefore, they have someone at Corporate that has the job of pulling all of the sticks out of the corndogs!
How would you like to be THAT GUY?!
link | posted by Sweet Yet Sassy at 7:20 AM
May 04, 2007
This addition just opened in the last 1-2 years. This picture below is taken at the entrance to the addition. As I pulled out this morning I noticed that some kids had filled this waterfall with bubbles AGAIN! LOL! This is like the 5th time they have done it. Some people got mad. I think it is hilarious. Wish I would have thought of it! :)
link | posted by Sweet Yet Sassy at 6:58 AM
May 01, 2007
Kids Say The Darndest Things!
I know I have posted something like this before (maybe old blog), but it still stands true.Things my kindergartener (L'il C) said last night that were funny to me:C-Mom, Jace (cute boy in her class) and I held hands one time.Me-Really? That sounds fun. He is a cutie!C-Yeah. But Cannon, Gabby, and Caitlin 'made in front of us!'Me-Made in front of you? What does that mean?C-You know! They made in front of us!'Me-(Thinking hard trying to translate-because repeating the same phrase totally makes one understand so much better......) OH!!! You mean 'made fun of you!'C-Yeah! Same thing!Me-Thinking......I always thought it was the same thing too?!-------Playing school last night:
C- Mom, you are the teacher. What do you want your last name to be? I am going to be Ariel.
Me- I don't care. You pick one for me.
C- Ok. Shortcake.
Me- ?? You want me to be Mrs. Shortcake??
C-Yeah and change my name to Strawberry. I will be your kid.
------Having just learned that college kids live in dorms AT their school:
While we are still playing school last night:
L'il C asks me to get her sleeping bag down. She pulls it into her playroom and tells me I can plan the lesson while she sleeps at her school.
------Later she put her head at the foot of her sleeping bag with it all zipped up and told me that I should continue coloring but she was going to get a suntan! She could see the sun coming through her bag. (Since it was raining outside and we were in the playroom with the light on.)-----And the finale: (for the benefit of Little Miss) ;)
Lying sweetly on her pillow and sleeping bag with her eyes closed she lets out a toot something fierce! And with all the sincerity she could muster started singing, "Blame it on the rain, yeah yeah!"
link | posted by Sweet Yet Sassy at 7:09 AM