October 31, 2007
New Fall Haircut and Color!
link | posted by Sweet Yet Sassy at 11:20 AM
Ghost or Goblin?!
An extremely modest man was in the hospital or a series of tests, the last of which had left his bodily systems extremely upset. Upon making several false alarm trips to the bathroom, he decided the latest episode was another and stayed put. He suddenly filled his bed with diarrhea and was embarrassed beyond his ability to remain rational. In a complete loss of composure he jumped out of bed, gathered up the bed sheets, and threw them out the hospital window. A drunk was walking by the hospital when the sheets landed on him. He started yelling and swinging his arms violently trying to get the unknown things off, and ended up with the soiled sheets in a tangled pile at his feet. As the drunk stood there, unsteady on his feet, staring down at the sheets, a hospital security guard, (barely containing his laughter),and who had watched the whole incident, walked up and asked, "What the heck is going on here?" The drunk, still staring down at the bed sheets in amazement, replied: "I think I just beat the crap out of a ghost." Happy Halloween
link | posted by Sweet Yet Sassy at 8:26 AM
Rated R Homework?!

I don't know, but for some reason that just did NOT look like 10 balloons to me!
link | posted by Sweet Yet Sassy at 7:00 AM
October 30, 2007

Yep, she did it on her own! I told her how to spell it on Sunday. This was written on Monday in the back seat of the car on the way to the zoo. I didn't even help her!
(The last "S" is on the drawing but it is there!)
My baby girl rocks!
If my little sister can spell that word in the 1st grade, then by all means, my kid can too!
Never underestimate a child!
link | posted by Sweet Yet Sassy at 11:16 AM
Halloween with The REAL Ariel!
The first few years of L'il C's life I had to pick the costume she wore. It is so much more fun now that she is old enough to give her opinion and to pick her own. She told me a month ago that she wanted to be Ariel. Instead of her keeping an itchy red wig on all night (which she wouldn't do) I thought it would be fun (after a suggestion from my sister) to color her hair red. (temporary)
She has been more excited about her hair being red than actually dressing up as Ariel. She tells everyone she sees that I am coloring her hair red. Doesn't tell them why, doesn't tell them it is temporary. Simply, "My mom is coloring my hair red!"
I have had more people come up to me (teacher, school friends, church friends, etc.) asking me if I am really going to color her hair red.
But, we did do it and it was fun.......I covered her in a black trash bag (with a hole to stick her head through) and took her out in the front yard. I wore yucky clothes and put on rubber gloves. I spent more on the back trying to color it that I really didn't have quite enough to color the front. OOPS.
I gave her a few minutes to let the color dry. Then we went inside to put on her costume.
Let's just say, that stuff really never dried.....
My hands were red, her hairbrush was red, I touched my face and it was red, she touched her face and it was red, her neck was red, her jacket was red, my cell phone is red....... Oh well it looked good, by golly!
We went trick or treating at the zoo. They have what is called Hallozooween. It wasn't crowded when we first got there and it was still daylight. We rode the train. L'il C loves riding the train. Then we made our way around the candy stops.
As it grew dark, a lot more people came. We were glad we hit most of the candy stops before the crowd. :)
There was a kiddie fun house that she wanted to go through and we she came out she wasn't smiling. I asked her what was wrong. She said, "That wasn't very fun." HA! I guess she has outgrown the kiddie stops!
She asked to go to the Haunted House. I told her that Haunted meant they were going to try and scare her. I made sure she knew that they were NOT going to hurt her but they would jump out at her. She said, "That's okay. I want to go. Come on."
I said, "I don't like to be scared. Are you sure you want to go in there?"
Her - "Come on mom! I will hold your hand!"
Needless to say, aside from the car honking at us right when we walked in, it really wasn't scary. Whew! (I HATE -empasized strongly - to be scared.)
Another funny thing L'il C made me laugh about:
When we were walking by the petting zoo I made comment about how nasty it smelled. She casually said, "Well then, it is a good thing I didn't toot or it would smell WAY Worse!"
Here are a couple of pictures I took before we left. One of them made her hair look pink, but it was a very true red.

A little girl at the zoo wanted her picture taken with "the real Ariel" but L'il C was kind of quiet last night and didn't really want her picture taken with the little girl. But after that, that was all I heard about! "Mom, that little girl thought I was the REAL ARIEL!!!"
link | posted by Sweet Yet Sassy at 8:36 AM
October 28, 2007
Driving the Dozer!
Oh yes! I did drive a bulldozer. A few quick lessons and I was off!..... Tearing up the grass havin' fun doin' donuts! Woo Hoo! It really was fun.

I was trying to not to knock Ron off of the dozer so I was driving it somewhat carefully and only made these tracks:

My Dad made all kinds of ruts in the grass below.

But I think my friend Carolyn wins with the mess below! HA!

link | posted by Sweet Yet Sassy at 11:48 AM
October 24, 2007
Because You NEED To Know This!

People sit around measuring the craziest things! This was a fun fact that my daughter read me from some toy she had:
"A typical pencil can write 45,000 words or draw a line 35 miles long!"
I want to meet the guy that took the time to draw that 35 mile long LINE!
link | posted by Sweet Yet Sassy at 9:28 AM
October 23, 2007
Snobbery, Anti-socialists, and Hermits...
Do I think my Dad is a snob/anti-socialist? No. Not really. But I do call him a snob sometimes to prove a point. HA!My Dad is a very kind, considerate, caring man. He is honest and just. But as his first born daughter I have the right to give him a hard time. :)My father would just as soon stay out at the ranch and hibernate next to the fire for life than be around people. He has a love for people, he is just quiet and shy by nature and doesn't like to entertain. (The complete opposite of his extravagantly entertaining, hostess-natured, life of the party wife and daughters.) HA!If he could have a quiet internet business at home without ever having to talk to people that would probably be his choice of occupations. However, he believes that God called him to be a Pastor in a church, which is what he has done since 1972. (and is very good at it no less!)Sometimes he makes funny dry humored jokes about the snobs in his neighborhood. (Because truthfully they were quite rude to him and my mom when they moved in....insuating that they may not have enough money to live there.)He was invited to the local assisted living community in our area (a quite nice one) for a luncheon just to honor the area preachers and to show their appreciation. When I told him that he had yet to RSVP and they were calling, he immediately responded with the answer I KNEW he was going to give, "I can't go. I have something else going on."Now, after 29 years I know him VERY well. He had NOTHING else scheduled he just didn't want to go. So, I told him that he was a SNOB! :)He said, "What makes you say that?!""Because. You and I both know you don't have anything going on. You just don't want to go talk to people and be sociable."He smirks. (Which by this I know I have amused him with my wit and the fact that I was right!)He asks, "Do you think I should go?""I do!""Why?""Because! It will be good for you. And it is FREE to show appreciation to you! People are trying to do something nice for you."HE WENT! :) I WIN! --LOL!
link | posted by Sweet Yet Sassy at 7:56 AM
October 22, 2007
This Blog Is Brought To You By Your Favorite Ringtone!
The Weekend Recap:This past weekend Mr. C and I took 12 kids to Youth Convention in OKC. We really enjoy working with the youth at your church.
(Yes, L'il Miss-We ARE at Braum's.) :)
Since we had a 12 passenger van and 15 people going, I drove my car and Mr. C drove the church van. L'il C went with us. (even tho she is 6, but I am in charge of her so I said she could - LOL) Except, L'il C pretty much refused to ride with me in the car. She wanted to ride with Mr. C in the van. Little Squirt! (When I told my mom this she commented that that was more than my sister and I would do! When I asked her what she meant by that she said 'you and Amy never wanted to ride in the van'. I said yes we did! We just didn't like to be taken to JUNIOR HIGH in the church van! - Because my dad tried to do that several times. LOL!)
Back to the story at hand...... I ended up having FOUR 12 year old girls in my car with me! Now 4 girls in a car is one thing....four TWELVE year olds is quite another! Two of them are quite witty and keep me laughing. One is very cute but nonstop talkative. (a.k.a. the A.D.D. Energizer Bunny!) And the 4th is....well I am still not sure how to describe her.
We got in the car and they asked if I could turn the radio on to a specific station. I did. Not 5 minutes later I hear this clashing music. They are all playing different ringtones from their phone........ I don't think they even noticed that I turned off the radio and for 2 hours we listened to the latest ringtone! It is amazing what entertainment new technology brings for a 12 year old!
(The four 12 year olds are on the left.)
L'il C and Mr. C having fun!

We walked down the riverwalk through Bricktown from the Convention Center to IHOP. It was very yummy.
The jokes that were made this weekend would only be funny if you were there but we did indeed have a good time.
Saturday, L'il C informed me that her boyfriend's football game was at 11:00 and we had made plans to go. Apparently, they are 3-0 but I am not sure that they won the game that we witnessed. For a 1st grader though, her boyfriend is good. He runs really fast and can dart in and out of those kids.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Saturday night we had our all church hayride. This is one of my favorite things to do. The weather was PERFECT! It was a little windy but it wasn't too cold or too hot.

We had hotdogs and marshmallows, we sang songs, and rode on the hayride. The kids played football and hide and seek. Fun times!
link | posted by Sweet Yet Sassy at 7:10 AM
October 15, 2007
Eye Candy for 1st Graders??
As my daughter and I were heading home from school she had some library books that she was flipping through. I swear I heard her read, "My First Eye Candy Book".
However, it seems like it wasn't quite so interesting. It was actually only, "My First I Can Read Book."
link | posted by Sweet Yet Sassy at 2:39 PM
October 14, 2007
Halloween Costume Party

Parties are a MUST for me and my sister. I love going to parties and I love hosting parties. This weekend my sister hosted one. We had a good time. We had fun treats: graveyard pudding, coffin sandwiches, popcorn balls, wassail, chips and queso, and other fun goodies.
She also planned a scavenger hunt with fun Halloween items: Black Cat, Pumpkin, Rat, Spider, Ghost, etc. It was in the neighborhood she lives in (where we grew up) so we knew most of the people so we had people letting us borrow cool things as long as we brought them back. Mwah ha ha! The other team was jealous when we won with "borrowed things" so we called it a tie to pacify them! HA!
I was Lady Gwendolyn. (not real fond of the costume...I liked my leopard one from last year better)
And Mr. C was Zorro....or "S"orro! LOL!. He made his costume (pretty ingenious if you ask me) and when he taped the "Z" to his belt buckle he was looking in the mirror. So it ended up an "S". Luckily it was noticed before the picture was snapped. Or else we would have had to say....
Have no fear Sorro is here! :)
link | posted by Sweet Yet Sassy at 1:08 PM
October 10, 2007
The Fears We Have
Consider everything that you may be afraid of.....
Ever wonder why you are afraid of it?
Well I did for many years. I am very afraid of falling from heights. One day it was bothering me as to why this was. I have never fallen from a high place before. Then it hit me. When I was about 4 years old the man that my grandmother was married to at the time would hold me over balconies and in jest tell me he was going to drop me. He did this once at the zoo over the lion's den and once over the railing at my home that led to the basement. I would say that is good enough reason to cause trauma in a child to last a lifetime.
My daughter has a fear of going to the doctor. The day this happened I wondered if it would effect her and I truly believe it did! She was about 2 1/2 years old and there was a possibility that she had a urinary tract infection. She was too little too relax enough to pee in the cup. After several attempts, the doctor decided it was best to insert a catheter. For as long as I live, then and now I wished I had not consented. It scared her so bad that 3 nurses had to hold her down for him to insert it. It was enough to make me cry. I truly believe that is the reason she cries everytime she goes to the doctor. She doesn't remember that incident but I think her subconscious mind does. It is so sad.What are your fears? Do you know what may have triggered them?
link | posted by Sweet Yet Sassy at 2:56 PM
October 02, 2007
The Weekend
Mr. C and I had a lovely weekend. Friday was our official dating 5 months mark. We had a fundraising event to run that night so we didn't get to go out. But he did come over to the house for a while and we had a nice evening. Saturday we went to the fair. We got there around 3:00 and didn't leave till 11:00. The weather was perfect. We ate and ate and ate...grease.grease.grease! I won't lie....it is Tuesday and I still haven't recovered. L'il C was at her daddy's this weekend. He had taken her to the fair that day as well. Disney on Ice was the Disney Princesses this year. She was SO EXCITED! She called me when they were over (she didn't know I was walking around the fair too) to tell me that I missed the MOST AMAZING PART EVER!! They shot off firecrackers IN the building at the performance.I saw some friends at the fair that I haven't seen in a while. That was nice.Keith Sweat was playing that night. Mr. C asked if he was a current star or one that was popular when I was young..... (punk). lol. Of course, Air Supply is playing tomorrow night..... good lord... he really wouldn't know who they are. HA!Sunday was relaxing and peaceful. The weekend was very nice. I enjoyed it quite a bit actually.
link | posted by Sweet Yet Sassy at 12:45 PM
Infatuations of a Six Year Old!
L'il C gets in the car yesterday and tells me she had an AMAZING day. I asked her what was so amazing about it."Mom! 'J' asked me to be his girlfriend today and I said yes!""Oh, well that is nice sweetheart."
"Yeah, then he went and told 'K' that I broke up with him because I was now his new girlfriend.""Uhm,.....were you already 'K's girlfriend?""Yeah.""Well when did this happen?""A while back but I didn't tell you that part.""Oh, well are you going to break up with every boy when a new one asks you out?""Oh, 'K' never really asked me out because he was too shy but I knew he was in love with me."????The story went on and on. I try not to freak out since she is ONLY SIX, but she is ONLY SIX! Granite, I was love sick in the first grade but she is a bit much!
link | posted by Sweet Yet Sassy at 7:53 AM