February 28, 2008
My Mom is Addicted!
What?! I can't say that about just anything. But my mom truly is addicted to Webkinz!
L'il C received two webkinz frogs for her birthday. If you don't know anything about these crazy things, they come with a code. With this code you can log on to the website linked above and "adopt" these stuffed animals. Once you adopt them you are awarded $2,000 Webkinz bucks. You can build rooms which can be accessorized with flooring, wallpaper, windows, bedroom accessories, bathroom accessories, kitchen accessories, or even outdoor themes. You play games to earn more money in which you can also buy food to feed your pet.My mom has put together a lilly pad bedroom, a cool kitchen, a school room, a bathroom, and a backyard. Everyday she is calling me to tell me about the "neatest scooter" or "swimming pool" or other fun stuff that she has added. It is funny to listen to her. She is actually having more fun with these than L'il C.Which made me wonder what all of the fuss was about. So I created a candyland themed room!Yee Haw!
link | posted by Sweet Yet Sassy at 6:54 AM
February 26, 2008
I Got Nothin'
I am sure glad that I am not in one of those blogging competitions to blog everyday for 365 days because lately I have been clawing at things just to make them a post....sort of like this one! HA!Sunday night we went to Mazzio's to eat with some friends. My mom and dad were on the other side of the restaurant by chance eating with friends of theirs as well. L'il C asked me if she could go talk to Grandma for a bit. I told her that was fine but when our food came out I wanted her to stay in her seat and eat.Well when our food finally did come out she was there eating and the next minute I looked up and she was gone. So when she finally came back I asked her, "Do you remember what I told you?""No.""Think about it real hard."She looks upwards in a thinking manner and replies with, "I got nothin'."I couldn't help but laugh. So like L'il C..... I got nothin'. I will try to come up with something a little more interesting to blog.
link | posted by Sweet Yet Sassy at 7:11 AM
February 20, 2008
Miracles happen....even if slightly tainted...
Every Wednesday morning on the way to school Mr. K takes L'il C to get a donut. Well little C's brother was sick so I went and picked her up last night. While I was there Mr. K informed me that L'il C would still like a donut even though he wouldn't be able to take her to school. I agreed. I also knew that although this seemed like a small task to most, it was going to take an extra big effort on my part to get my butt out of bed and get ready earlier than normal.Most days, I am running out the door at the last minute hoping that the 14 minute drive to pick up the child that rides with us and actually get to school on time is only going to take me 8 minutes and praying the entire time that the kids do not have to get a tardy because of me! HA!So last night with careful planning I determine the time I am going to make myself get out of bed. This morning, although I slept in 45 minutes longer than I had planned, I still managed to come out ahead and was ready before L'il C woke up! Woo Hoo!While she was getting dressed I went out and started the car, made sure it was locked and that I had the spare key, and came back inside.When it was time to go I made sure L'il C had her coat on, I grabbed my cell phone and we headed out the door.CRAP!My purse, with my spare car key, was still inside my house...which is now locked!! (So much for all of the excitement of being early!!)Thank goodness I grabbed my cell phone! I called my dad and he came to get me so I could go get my spare house key..... After running around like chickens with our heads cut off....we finally made it to the donut shop!
link | posted by Sweet Yet Sassy at 6:41 AM
February 13, 2008
Tae Bo and Tiny Tots
Rule #1: Don't ever try to exercise in front of your kids or while they are awake! It is cause for failure and self-consciousness!My favorite aerobics workout video is the Advanced Tae Bo. I absolutely love aerobics and I feel so much better afterwards. I do the advanced version because it challenges me. Although I don't always do double speed I still continue at normal speed just to stay on track and not quit.L'il C has seen me do these workouts in the past but she was never really interested in what I was doing. However, this week she saw me and wanted to join in. She did them for about 4 minutes and sat down on the couch and watched. She told me that she wanted to do them with me the next time I did them. I told her it would be the next day. So I waited for her to get up so she could workout with me. Attention span: Zip! Zilch! Nada!Instead I was under the microscope for scrutiny."Mom, you need to pull your pants up. A tiny bit of your panties are showing.""Mom, why are you doing that so much slower than them?""Mom, you aren't raising your knees high enough.""Mom, that looks like the monkey dance!"I also was interrupted repeatedly."Mom, can you reach the peanut butter for me?""Mom, this isn't spreading right.""Mom, will you help me with the chocolate milk?""Mom, the back door is locked and I can't get it open."And Yes! Every interuption started with "Mom..." as if we weren't the only two in the house. I am gonna change my name.
link | posted by Sweet Yet Sassy at 7:28 AM
February 11, 2008
Tidbits from L'il C
"Well you know.... When you have a cold you toot a lot!"~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Listening from the other room I hear this conversation between L'il C and her friend Katy:
Katy-When I grow up and become President I am gonna buy the world.
L'il C - Yeah, that sounds good.Katy - And I will banish anyone that called me stupid.L'il C - Ugh...you can't do that!(Does anyone see the logic as to why buying the world is possible and banishing someone that calls you stupid isn't??)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Between Me and L'il C:"Why did you just look at me all disgusted?""I didn't, Mom. That is a squirrel look!""A squirrel look?""Yeah. That's the way they look when they are mad!""Why are you mad?""I'm not."?!?!?!?!?~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Before school yesterday:-I want to get hired with you, Mom. Will you ask Paw Paw if he'll hire me?-You can't get a job until you are 16.-Hey -- I'm the grandkid, that should be enough......true! :)After school yesterday:-Did you ask Paw Paw if he would hire me?-No, I thought you were kidding.-I wasn't. Will you call him real quick and ask him?-Ok, but first, if you plan on working there what will you do?-What do you do?-I am (to simplify it) the bookkeeper.-Hmm.....then I will be the music keeper.-What does a music keeper do?-They keep the music. (pause for thought) And I will need a computer too. (pause for thought again.) Do you get paid?-Yes.-Yeah, I would like that too!(sounds like quite the business woman already!)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Sitting down in the bathroom to talk to me while I am brushing my hair, L'il C proceeds in tell me this HUGE secret."Mom, I have a secret to tell you but you can't tell ANYONE! You know how Hannah Montana has a secret and she lives 2 different lives? Well, I have a secret too. I am a little girl, but -- I am also a POP star!""Really?! That is cool. So is this something you are pretending with your friends?""No, mom. This is real! I really am a POP star!""Oh! Right. I see. I am sorry. So what are your concert dates? I don't want to miss them!""Oh, they are working on them right now, but I won't have any concerts till I am a teenager!"~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
link | posted by Sweet Yet Sassy at 9:48 AM
February 08, 2008
Where Did My Phone Go??
When you lose your cell phone and you do not have a landline it makes it very difficult to find said phone!...
....Although the landline doesn't even come in handy when your daughter takes your phone with her to school in her bookbag!
link | posted by Sweet Yet Sassy at 6:59 AM
February 06, 2008
10 Quick Guidelines for Proper Baby Care!
Anyone who anticipates having a baby should know these simple yet very serious rules. (They have to be serious because remember, no warning is created unless someone has actually tried this, right?!) :)
Please do the world and your baby a favor by reading these simple guidelines...

I hope this has helped you tremendously!
link | posted by Sweet Yet Sassy at 10:28 AM
I went down to see Mr. C last night. I talked to him on the phone most of my trip but he had no idea I was coming to visit him. It was fun. He is on an intermural basketball team and they were playing last night so I went to watch him play.I checked the weather before driving down as our weather has flipped flopped back and forth between 17 and 78. (no exaggeration!) Although it was 34 and raining yesterday, it was suppposed to be clear and sunny today. The turnpike was clear but apparently my town had bad weather today and there were accidents all over the highways. By the time I got here (30 minutes later) the roads were wet but hardly icy. Are you telling me that in 30 minutes the roads had time to melt and be clear??Oh well. It was a short but fun trip. I will be glad when he is back home!
link | posted by Sweet Yet Sassy at 7:32 AM