August 29, 2008
1943 Guide to Hiring Women
This was emailed to me. I found it humorous!
I hope you can read it.
It appears to be from Savvy & Sage September/October 2007 edition.
link | posted by Sweet Yet Sassy at 7:33 AM
August 28, 2008
Pornography Is Not A Respector Of Persons
This porn industry isn't flourishing because nobody is interested. Although it is stereotyped to be an addiction for men there are plenty of women that are addicted to porn as well. It doesn't matter whether it is soft porn (your sports illustrated swimsuit addition, the latest Victoria Secret catalog, etc.) or hard porn (XXX videos and stores, playboy, internet websites, etc.) this is a problem for many people.Ten years ago I would have been shell shocked to think that even Christians have this issue as well. They are human too. But being a Christian makes it hard for those individuals to get help for the fear of being condemned by friends and loved ones.Through the years I have listened to wives and girlfriends as they cry their eyes out because they found their spouse/boyfriend looking at porn. These men are not nasty old men lurking around that creep people out. These are good men who love the ones they are with. Even though some of them don't agree that they have a problem, some of these men hate their addiction and want a change. 9 out of 10 of them have been addicted to porn since they were young. Most will agree that they are not looking at it because they do not think highly of their wife/girlfriend or that they aren't attracted to her anymore. Their addiction is about the individual and is usually not linked with their wife/girlfriend at all. This is something they just can't let go of.Over the years, I have decided that I will assume that everyone has this issue because honestly, most of the people that look at porn will never admit it, and those that you would never think would do so actually is. I would rather them be comfortable sharing their issues and be able to get help than to keep it inside waiting for the day it blows up in their face....either by their wife/husband finding out and not knowing how to deal with it or their kids walking in on them and being scarred for life.Call it 'life experience'. Call it 'that's the way the cookie crumbles'. Call it 'cynical'. Call it 'glass half empty'. Whatever your choose to call it, I feel this way is better than be blindsided by reality when the one guy or girl that you would never dream would do such a thing...actually does!Consider it.I am not saying think the worst about people, I am simply saying don't close the option out. If you are 'shocked and appalled' it will show and those people may never get help. I am not saying start freaking out because your significant other is a very good Christian and a leader in the church, he/she is faithful and loyal and detests porn that you should doubt what they tell you.I am just saying that no matter how hurt you are by finding this out, consider the fact that they may be hurting much worse and just didn't know how to tell you. If you walk in on them or if they have the guts to tell you the last thing they need is to be reprimanded. Love and compassion will go a lot further. Ask them what you can do to help. If they need an accountability partner be that for them. Don't do it in a demeaning manner but one of encouragement. If they don't feel comfortable with you being their accountability partner, which is likely, don't be offended. Ask them if there is someone they would feel comfortable being accountable to. If they fall back into it pick them back up and keep praying.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
This has been on my heart for a while. I just haven't had a chance to post it. I usually try to keep my posts light. I didn't go off the deep end but I have had a few friends share some things with me recently that they were struggling with.
link | posted by Sweet Yet Sassy at 6:59 AM
August 27, 2008
Tangles or Rat?
L'il C was brushing her hair this morning before school. She came
around the corner with the brush dangling freely.
"Look Mom! I have that much Rat!"
link | posted by Sweet Yet Sassy at 6:56 AM
August 26, 2008
Names For Our Kids
L'il C is always in great thought.
Out of nowhere since we weren't even talking about this, L'il C asks me what Mr. C and I are going to name our kids.
"What are you going to name it if it is a boy?"
"What are you going to name it if it is a girl?"
(Yes I do have names picked out.....always prepared!)
"What are you going to name them if you have twins?"
-no response-
Not likely to have triplets L'il C.
"4 at a time?"
That is called quadruplets and again that probably won't happen. What brought the questions on?
"I don't know. I think you should name one Fred." (reread this on 06/03/2014 and how ironic. We called Baby E (our boy)"Fred" the entire time I was pregnant. I had completely forgotten this!) lol
"Not gonna happen, Babe."
"What about Fredward?"
"Fredward?!?!" At this, I did everything I could not to crack up laughing, but I knew it would embarrass her.
Please feel free to steal the name...... we won't be using it!
link | posted by Sweet Yet Sassy at 6:45 PM
August 25, 2008
Wedding Progress & Home Improvement Shower
Wow! I can hardly believe that I am getting married in 5 weeks and 6 days! I am so excited.
Friday my mom, soon to be mother-in-law, and I went shopping for the finishing touches on the decor and to get the satin for the flower girls dresses. My mom and I did a walk through of the church and made an outline of how I wanted it decorated.
So far we have all of the decorations, the flower girl baskets, my sister's dress, my mom's dress, the runner for the aisle, the cakes, and my dress (after it is finished in alterations), shoes, and veil.
All we have left to get is the girls shoes and hair accents, the tuxes, jewelry, and a guest book!
The only thing that is not going real well is the Groom's 2 dislocated disks in his back! He has been in constant unbearable pain since our Nashville trip the last week of July!! He has been going to a chiropractor (no comments necessary) consistently. The chiropracter said he should be feeling much better by now and is setting him up for an MRI. He better hurry up and get better so he can survive the 18 hour round trip plane ride and the 10 day car ride!! I feel so bad for him.
We had to reschedule our engagement pictures until he is more comfortable. Maybe we can take them after the wedding! Ha ha!
One of his sisters is getting married in less than 2 weeks so we have had a lot going on with his family.
My sister threw a "Home Improvement" shower for me with a few close friends and family. We had a lot of fun! Since I have lived on my own for 10 years I don't really need dishes, towels, etc. I purchased a home 3 years ago and it needs a bit of help. So it was considered a good idea to register at Lowe's and take care of some things that needed to be improved.
We are remodeling my back den and turning it into a master bedroom and I hope to add a half bath as well. We couldn't register for specialty items online so basically people have given us gift cards but there were some lawn tools that we needed.
There are some men in our church that are donating their time as well to help us with the remodeling.
My mom, me, and Amy

Mike Grillin' and Amy Cheesin'
(Her face reads exactly what she was saying, "I have to hurry.")

M-I-L and Me

His sister that is getting married and me

My friend Sarah

Awwww!! How sweet!

link | posted by Sweet Yet Sassy at 8:36 AM
August 19, 2008
Fun in The Sun
My uncle made it a point to invite us to his home to go swimming. My entire summer has been crammed packed but this past Saturday my sister and her husband and I finally were able to take L'il C down to visit.His pool is 3 foot deep on the shallow end and 9 foot deep on the deep end. L'il C was more than thrilled to give ME swimming lessons! Ha ha! She is quite the little swimmer.

This is one of the many cars that my uncle has raced. Although it needs a bath it is still my favorite. It has a five point harness belt and a roll cage on the interior. He also raced motorcycles.
This was the most fun for me. I had a great time riding this mini motorcycle. I rode it down the gravel road a few times but I felt more comfortable driving it in the field! :)
L'il C had an amazing time driving a go kart for the first time! At first she was a little skiddish but then as you can see below she put on her "race face" and took off!

Driving my uncle around

Driving Aunt Amy around will Uncle Mike chases them
Bein' silly
Mommy & L'il C
We grilled hamburges for lunch. We all got a little too much sun but we had a phenomenal day!
L'il C said this was the best day of the whole week! (Which means it even beat out LOCKERS!)
link | posted by Sweet Yet Sassy at 7:34 AM
August 14, 2008
First Day of Second Grade!
Wow! I remember writing in my Lady Luck blog, which no longer exists, on L'il C's first day of Pre-school. I can't believe she is already in 2nd grade!!!!
From the first day she found out they were going to have lockers this year that is all she has talked about. Forget seeing old friends! Forget making new friends! Forget everything except, "I get lockers this year!" :)

Open house was Tuesday. Her daddy and I couldn't hardly get her to sit still during the intro because all she wanted was to stand post at her locker. We kept reassuring her that it would be there ALL YEAR LONG!!!
This morning I was letting her know that I would walk in with her but I had to stop at the front desk to find out what time her lunch would be this year. She quickly asked, "Can I go ahead and go to my locker??" Ha ha! ....Do I want to be mean? Or should I let her go?.... :) I did let her go because I am that cool! ;)
Her teacher is really nice. She took the time to send a letter to all of the kids a week or so ago. It had a picture of her two dogs in it. (She isn't married and doesn't have kids.) That made little C's whole day. She showed everyone that letter and told them how much she likes the picture of the dogs.

L'il C~ I am so very proud of you! You are an amazing little girl. I am so happy to be your mommy! You are going to soar with flying colors through 2nd grade! I look forward to the many new things you are going to learn and experience! You are so precious! I love you!!! ~Mommy

link | posted by Sweet Yet Sassy at 6:52 AM
August 13, 2008
Summer Amusement
If L'il C gets a hold of your cell phone or camera a million pictures of herself making funny faces will be taken and stored there for you to enjoy later.
I snapped this one of her singing loudly to Camp Rock and Playin' on Webkinz! Ha Ha!
link | posted by Sweet Yet Sassy at 11:57 AM
August 11, 2008
Not worthy of a post
Nashville was a blast! We went down and spent the week with the bride and groom before the wedding. The girls went line dancing at the ever famous Wild Horse Saloon. It was a lot of fun. I forgot my camera so I am waiting for one of the guys to upload his pics to his myspace so I can steal them! Ha!
We have a lot of good memories and I had a post worthy of reading typed up but it is forever gone. Sorry.
This past weekend our young adults went to Branson to see the new Sight and Sound theater and watched the production of Noah. Their set design was awesome! We really enjoyed it.
I am a little low on posting material even though I had two very phenomenal weeks. I will try to have more soon.
link | posted by Sweet Yet Sassy at 8:50 AM