July 30, 2007
Disappearing Pets!
Three pets down to Zero! First of all, I don't like pets. They are too much work and they stink. With a ton of resistance I bought my daughter 2 African Dwarf frogs and a Beta Fish for her 5th Birthday. One of the Frogs died the day after its 14-day warranty expired! HA! However Fishy Fishy and Froggy Froggy have been alive and kickin' for the last year and a half. Until now.....I have a weekly tank cleaning routine. I take the fish and frog out of the 2 gallon tank and put them in a large mixing bowl with water. It is an overnight process for the water to get the temperature needed. Every week for over two years I have had the same process.Last month, the frog literally disappeared! Now, I know it is physically possible for the little guy to have jumped out so I looked all over my kitchen counter, in my sink, on the floor, behind the canisters, on the stove....EVERYWHERE! The.frog.was.gone!Last night before I went to bed I fed Fishy Fishy. This morning HE.WAS.GONE!!!! I'm talkin' Vamoos! Vanished! He was in his 2 gallon fish tank last night and this morning he was NOT!Now I KNOW that stupid fish is not physically capable of jumping out, but I looked all over my kitchen counter, in my sink, on the floor, behind the canisters, on the stove....EVERYWHERE! The.fish.was.gone!Now as much as I would prefer to believe it is magic and they just went POOF..... my dad thinks a more realistic explanation would be that a snake got into my house. Not.what.I.wanted.to.hear! I prefer a hungry ghost cat!
Let us have a moment of silence for Fishy Fishy* and Froggy Froggy!

(Note: Pictures copied from internet as I was not in love with these pets enough to even have pictures! oops)
UPDATE: *The fish has reappeared. No snake or ghost of a cat. Apparently the fish decided to go down the oxygen tube and under the platform beneath the rocks. I saw him swimming back up the tube last night. LOL! The frog however is indeed still dead or should I say after a month still has not reappeared. :)
UPDATE #2: Christmas 2007: I found the frog....He was petrified rock in my laundry room closet at the back under my Christmas decor! Poor guy! HA! L'il C won't let me throw him out. She wants me to keep him. He is now in a ziplock bag with her baby notes! HA!
link | posted by Sweet Yet Sassy at 8:25 AM
July 27, 2007
Fun Times to Remember!
First off.....Absolutely no airline trouble....Smooth gate entrance and travel! No complaints here! I did sit by a lady that talked non-stop. She was on my flight home as well but did not sit by me. I got to sit by a guy that talked non-stop. ??? All I wanted to do was sleep! HA!
WOW! That is all I can say about my state of mind.
I just returned from my Mary Kay Seminar in Dallas. It was PHENOMENAL! This career is the best choice I could have ever made! It is not a get rich quick scheme. You do have to work but if you are consistent you can have any dream come true that you wish!
This year some of the top directors will be going to Germany to be treated like Royalty!
Here are some pictures of the past week for me! I won't post very many but I did take close to 200! HA!
New Car options for the National Sales Directors

Seminar Theme was 'Be a Star' this year

This was one of the "Stars" in the distribution center tour. They had different displays we had to vote on. It was fun!

This is me and my Director at our Unit Awards Night.

This is me and my Director and good friend in the Cadillac Dining Area. She drives a Cadillac!

This is me on one of the semi-formal awards night.

In our Hotel heading to the Diamond Seminar Awards Night...

In the main arena for the Finale Awards Night! This night can not be described!

link | posted by Sweet Yet Sassy at 9:20 AM
July 20, 2007
Traveling via Airplanes...
With all of the nightmares with airports that Amy has had on her travels I am leary about my trip tomorrow...
It never fails, I am ALWAYS the one "randomly selected" to have extra screening. You guys, there is nothing significant about me and you couldn't pick me out of a crowd but apparently because they can't pronounce my name they pick on me. I now know that it I must be there WAY early.
I was looking up the things I could and could not take with me on the plane via TSA.
I was a little disappointed that I couldn't bring the following items in my carry-on when I read these statements:
"Snow globes and like decorations regardless of size or amount of liquid inside, even with documentation." - MAN! And I so wanted to bring mine!
"Toy Transformer Robots" - Now what am I going to play with?!?
However, I can bring in my carry-on:
"Cigar Cutters" - Because you can smoke on the airplane?!
"Corkscrews" - Bottoms up!
"Cuticle Cutters"
"Knitting and Crochet Needles" - Aww! To entertain me since I can't bring my transformers.
"Bubble bath balls" - Definitely needed in the plane!
"KY Jelly" - Not going there!
...and another fun one:
"Gel-filled bras and similar prosthetics - Gel-filled bras may be worn through security screening and aboard aircraft." --Well thank goodness! All those flat girls out there having to take their bras off in the airport would be so sad! Now ya have 'em, now ya don't! LOL!
link | posted by Sweet Yet Sassy at 9:18 AM
July 18, 2007

Last night L'il C and I painted mini ceramic cats. She got a little paint on her arm and went to the bathroom to wash it off. I am not paying any attention to her while I finish painting. She is singing and horsing around while she is running the water. You know the stoppers connected to the wall that every small child likes to play with because of the cool noise...?? Well, I hear what sounds to be the door stopper swinging back and forth. (No big deal. She always plays when she is in the bathroom.)
Then I hear her sweetly say, "Excuse me".
ME- stops painting, staring blankly
Did my daughter just say excuse me?!
Me-'Sweetie, was that outrageous noise I just heard, you tooting?!'
L'il C-'Yep.'
Me- 'OMG! That sounded horrible!'
L'il C-Laughing, 'Yeah. I have Professional Gas.'
Alrighty Then!
Moments later.....
"Mom, what does professional mean?"
link | posted by Sweet Yet Sassy at 9:05 AM
July 12, 2007
Rainy Weather Changes Shoe Fashion
We have had flash flood warnings practically for the last month. My sister informed me that she traded her car in for a boat to paddle to work since it has not stopped raining! She says it is more practical and I agree.
I went shoe shopping and decided to invest in these:
link | posted by Sweet Yet Sassy at 10:24 AM
July 10, 2007
Stinky People Unite
Did I miss the memo? I just went to Wal-mart and I swear every stinky person in my town was there! The stench wreaked throughout every aisle! Dear Stinky People,If you do not have the decency to take a shower and use deoderant please carbon copy me on your memo when all the stinky people will unite at one place. I would like to have the option of skipping out on that event!Sincerely,Me
link | posted by Sweet Yet Sassy at 9:47 AM
July 09, 2007
Yea! My readers love me!
Yikes! I have been reprimanded by more than one reader that I am slacking. I am sorry. Little Miss thank you for checking in even though you are on vacation. I apologize for dissappointing you. Thanks for blogging. I wouldn't have made it a whole month without an update from you! And I was going to remind you that say.cheese and just me both have blogs, meaning they have computers for you to use..... HA!May and June were very busy months for me. So I have tried to relax this past week. As mentioned previously 4th of July was fun.Friday, an old friend that I have known since I was 6 but haven't seen in 12 years stopped by to see me on his way to Florida from Ohio. It was a nice surprise. We talked for a couple of hours and he was on his way.That night the new guy and I took L'il C to see Ratatouille and went to eat at El Chico's. We had a very nice evening. The movie was funny and dinner was delicous! I used to be stuck on their beef enchiladas but lately I have ordered beef soft tacos everytime and they are good as well.Saturday, I had been invited to a wedding, a house warming party, and a baby shower. I chose to go to the baby shower. My friends are moving to Dayton Ohio for an intern/residency (Doctor) this month and that was the only time I was going to be able to see their 2 week old baby. I am a sucker for babies so hands down they won! LOL! The baby was precious!That night the new guy and I watched SEVEN with Brad Pitt and Morgan Freeman. He had never seen it. I have a long list of movies that he hasn't ever seen that I have to make sure he sees in order for us to be friends! LOL! He did mention at one point that he did not like cheddar cheese or peanut butter cookies. These are both huge favorites of mine so I told him that his relationship with me would be pending.... :)Sunday was church as usual. But let's take time to wish L'il C a happy half birthday as she did turn 6 1/2 yesterday. HAPPY HALF BIRTHDAY BABE! :)After church last night the youth (and of course us as sponsors) played volleyball and ate pizza. The youth pastor's wife and I were captains. That in itself is a joke as I play minimally and she just looks cute and dances around on the court...... We ended up having to play best two out of three because my team won the first game and her team won the second. But in the end all that matters is MY TEAM WON!!! Regretably, the new man was on the opposing team and even though he is 6'4", it did not compensate for the Oompa Loompa size people on his team and he lost as well. Mwah ha ha.So it is Monday.... and I am back at work..... or should I say back to blogging. Hope you all had a fabulous weekend. P.S. Amy, thank you for coming back to work! You are my only coworker via IM at your own work place and I am lonely when you aren't there. :) Even though you are leaving for 2 days again this week and you will again suck! :) I guess I love you anyway.
link | posted by Sweet Yet Sassy at 8:31 AM
July 05, 2007
4th Fun
The New Guy and I took L'il C to my sister's church for the festivities. They had a waterslide and other various jupiter jumps, a sand pile to play in, as well as volleyball, basketball, music, and all kinds of food. Then at 9:00 all of the activities shut down and we moved our lawn chairs to the back parking lot to watch all of the surrounding areas firework displays. We can see about 3 different cities, plus all of our city's displays across town from their church. It is up pretty high on the city. We had a really good time. L'il C was soaked from the waterslide and covered in sand from the sand pile so that said enough about her fun time! :)
link | posted by Sweet Yet Sassy at 9:51 AM
July 03, 2007
Quote for the Day
It is best to give advice in only two circumstances: when it is requested and when it is a life-threatening situation!
link | posted by Sweet Yet Sassy at 9:39 AM
July 02, 2007
A picture to relate...

Because several of you asked to see my haircut weeks ago.....
...and I forgot until I went to the Little Miss site a minute ago and her pics reminded me that I didn't post one. You can't see the back, sorry. It is stacked shorter in the back and is angled toward the front where it is longer.
I find it very hard to read blogs that do not have pictures or cartoons. Seeing people helps me relate. I had tons of pictures on my other blog before I shut it down but had reasons why I haven't posted any on this one until now.
So...here it is.... The Picture of Me! ENJOY! LOL!
link | posted by Sweet Yet Sassy at 10:30 AM
July 01, 2007
So many things to blog about, not enough time...
I took the youth to Youth Camp week before last. We had a great time. The MAIN negative about it is the bathrooms/showers..... I will spare you the details. (I wrote them out and realized how brutely disgusting they truly were so I deleted the post.)The ADULTS played FIREBALL in the consession area after the kids went back to their dorms with their counselors. That was fun. I hadn't ever played it before but apparently it is the latest rage.... WARNING: Kids do NOT try this at home!!One of the guys took their turn soaking the tennis ball in fingernail polish remover and then lit it. After he put the fire out on his hand from lighting the alcohol....we all played catch with the lit ball. It was most fun. :)They have what is called "mud mountain" that the kids have a relay over each year. The kids know to bring grungy clothes for thursday because that is the day they get disgusting. Well this year it has rained so much that there was mud EVERYWHERE! The volleyball courts were mud, the high five football courts were mud, the lawns were mud....etc. So, pretty much everyday the kids were disgusting. It was fun though.I coached the volleyball games. Tried to save the ball from rolling down the hill into the raging creek and bit the dust. NOT.SO.FUN. Running down hill leaning over to stop a volleyball = top heavy resulting in feet off ground! Scraped up my hands and my stomach, bruised my knees and jammed my back and neck! WOOT! WOOT! It is definitely funny now!Anyway....there were tons of other fun stories but so much time has lapsed and I don't feel like telling them all.Have a fabulous day!
link | posted by Sweet Yet Sassy at 11:40 AM