No, I'm not talking about in raising children! I am talking about diet and exercise!
I am such the on again off again workout girl! In no way shape or form do I recommend this. I justify it with, "Well at least I work out some. That is better than nothing at all." Although this is true it isn't the best way.
Last night was the first time in a few months that I took time out for the treadmill. 27 minutes later and I was DYING! I was walking 3 minutes, running 3 minutes...back and forth. By the 12 minute mark I was ready to quit but I persevered to 27 minutes. (Goal was 30 but I didn't want severe treadmill damage to my body from falling.)
I burned 78 fat grams and 250 calories for that amazing workout feat. That means I burned off the small pepsi I drank but I'm still hanging on tightly to the Cinnamon Streudel Muffin, White Chocolate Raspberry Capuccino and Sonic Hamburger. :(
But for dinner I had a Subway Roasted Chicken Club sandwich which should be applauded or something....right?? :)
I officially joined the Butt Busters accountability group today! LOL! (Who ya gonna call?? BUTT BUSTERS!)
Each night L'il C and I have a routine. If I differ from it she is quick to inform me of what I should have done.
Each night she gets her pajamas on, brushes her teeth, gets a quick drink of water and goes to the bathroom before she gets into bed. Most of the time once she is in bed I read her a short bedtime story, occasionally it is too late.
After the story, I turn on her nightlight, turn on the humidifier (for noise), make sure her closet door is closed ALL the way-not just pulled to, and make sure her blanket and Brave are in hand. (Brave is a stuffed Monkey with BRAVE on its stomach that I bought her to sleep with when I went to Alaska 2 years ago-the longest she had ever been without me. She won't sleep without it now and takes it to her dad's when she goes. It represents me.)
Once we turn the lights out we take turns saying a prayer before bed and then she insists I snuggle bunny with her for a few minutes before she falls asleep. Last night I asked her to pray and this is how her prayer went:
Dear Jesus,
Thank you for this BEAUTIFUL day. Thank you for the birds that were chirping by the window. Please protect (insert entire list of everyone she knows including a dog or two). Please don't let the heat rash come back. Lord, please let the 1st row get the honey roasted peanuts and the 2nd row get the pretzels, and I am in the 3rd row and I would really like the candycanes tomorrow.
(One of the kids in her class has a dad that works for Southwest Airlines and apparently for snack he has brought a few things! You can thank him for the high airline prices. HA!)
L'il C and I were putting up our Christmas tree last night. While she was placing the ornaments on the branches she asked me if we could sing O Christmas Tree. I told her I didn't know all of the words. She said she did and proceeded to sing this version:
O Christmas Tree! O Christmas Tree!Thy leaves are so unchanging;O Christmas Tree! O Christmas Tree!Thy leaves are so unchanging; Rabbit Hearts and Bunny Bones, Dah Dah da Dah dun nuh la la O Christmas Tree! O Christmas Tree!Thy leaves are so unchanging!
Me: Uhm, sweetheart?? (trying not to act shocked or like I was about to call someone and tell them how funny she just was.) Did you just sing "Rabbit Hearts and Bunny Bones?"
Realizing now that those were probably not the correct words she shyed back and answered a timid, "Yes."
Me: Oh! Okay. (as if that was no big she wouldn't know I was going to blog about it)
L'il C: Mom! You aren't about to call someone are you??
Me: No Babe, I'm not. (walking to the kitchen to write down what she had said)
As I start to walk with the paper in hand, and as I am folding it and going to my room to put it in my purse, L'il C asks, "Mom? Did you just write down what I said?"
BUSTED! I made a good save and never answered her directly. I can't not blog the funny things she said. Someday she will thank me! ;) L'il C you are hilarious!
(P.S. The real lyrics to that portion of the song are, "Not only green when summer's here,But also when 'tis cold and drear.")
Last night on my way home I rear ended a parked car that was in the street. My new car may be totaled! :(
We are okay. L'il C was a little shaken up since she has never been in an accident and won't stop talking about it. She keeps telling me she doesn't want a new car. She wants the one we have.
I don't know if you have anyone in your family that holds grudges, but there is one in mine-My Grandmother!
As kids, we would hear her complaining non-stop about other people but I never really realized that there was an internal fued as well.
This year it was all I could do to bite my tongue as I was nominated as peace keeper. Ugh! I had to call her and tell her we would NOT be coming down on the scheduled traditional day but a day later. (insert me making a mean face) I.DID.NOT. want to do this. I am the only one in the family that she has not had a quarrel with (YET!-until she finds out her original wedding band was stolen from me) and I didn't want it to start now!
Well needless to say the date was changed but I knew it was not going to be pleasant. I let her know that we would come up anyway on Thanksgiving Day and stay the night with her and HELP her cook for dinner the next day.
We squished 5 people and a dog in to my sister's little Honda.....literally sardine squished since L'il C was in her booster seat taking up a fair amount of room, my large marge booty in the teeninsy middle seat, and Mr. C's 6'4" self in the fetal position. But it was fun. ;)
We pumped ourself up about the one glimpse of hope that would come of that evening.... THE CHEX MIX! Every year my Grandmother makes this. Then the thought hit me that she may not have made it because she might be pouting. I.WAS.RIGHT! I ended up having to be the one to make it when I got there.
When we were getting ready for bed she asked us what time we would be getting up since Amy and I would be cleaning and preparing the turkey. ?????
(Read in Genie voice) 'scuse me? *scoffs* Are you lookin' at me? Did you rub my lamp? Did you wake me up? Did you bring me here? And all of a sudden you're walkin' out on me, I don't think so.
Sure enough. She was mad that we were late so we were to do it ALL by ourselves. I took this as a learning opportunity to prove I could do it as well as she does. Amy took it as punishment for being there since she can't cook. Both of us are squimish when it somes to touching raw meat.
I did okay until it came time to get the gibblets (for the gravy) and the neck out of the inside. I thought it was going to be squishy insides that I had to dig in but after I pulled the neck out it was just an empty cavity. Where did the giblets go?? My Grandmother, who on any given day gets up before the crack of dawn, was staying in her room pretending to be asleep to see if we were capable of doing it on our own.
Gibblets were no where to be found. So we did what any person would do. We called our mom who was on her way to the City.
Amy calling my mom:
Hi Mom. Is it possible that our turkey didn't come with gibblets? We can't find them anywhere.
Mom: No, Amy, that's not possible. Look harder.
Amy: Cheri' is looking very hard and none can be found.
Mom: They are probably in the white wrapper that's on the end of the turkey.
Amy: (long pause) Hmmm...well that sucks. We threw that away.
So we dug it out of the trash, washed it off before my Grandmother got up and continued on.
After the turkey was in the oven, we spent the rest of the morning getting everything else ready. Amy was in charge of the easy stuff: setting the table, the mashed potatoes, part of the salad (I finished the other part because she got so excited to put the marshmallows on the sweet potatoes!, cranberry sauce, deviled eggs, and corn.
I prepared the turkey, ham, dressing, sweet potatoes, etc. and my mom brought the desserts. Everything was delicious and everyone had plenty to eat.
After all of the drama that I refuse to go in depth about, my Grandmother sits down and says that she would like for everyone to say something for which they are thankful. Seriously?!
"I am very thankful that I will not be coming back here next year....or any other year for that matter." That wasn't it. I just smiled politely and mentioned how much I loved family time!
And as my uncle said one year in the midst of all of the glorious family times in pure uncle sarcasm, "Happy Happy Joy Joy!" (compliments of Rin and Stimpy)
My dad made some interesting points that I would like for you to think about.
"During this week, our President will issue the annual Thanksgiving proclamation. Our very secular government that almost chokes every time it says the word, 'God,' will suddenly project an air of piety and encourage us all to be thankful for at least this one day of the year.
"You see, Thanksgiving is an unusual holiday because it combines God and government and society. It is considered perfectly acceptable for everyone, regardless of religion, to be thankful on Thankgiving Day.
"However, you need to make sure that you are thankful to the right somebody. If we're going to say 'thank you' we must say 'thank you' to somebody. Make sure that it is the right somebody.
My dad then gave this illustration:
"Harriet Martineau was an atheist. One morning she and a friend stepped out into the glories of a beautiful fall morning. As she saw the brilliant sun peaking through the haze, and the frost on the meadow, and the brightly colored leaves making their way lazily to the ground, she was filled with the beauty and burst forth with 'I am so thankful. I'm just so grateful for it all.'
To this her Christian friend asked, 'Grateful to whom, my dear?'
***That's a good question at Thanksgiving. If you're grateful, if you're really thankful, then the next question would have to be, 'Grateful to whom?'
...Not exactly how it happened but it was a funny title...
Yesterday L'il C was at her dad's. I could hear laughter in the background so I asked her what she was doing. She replied with, "I'm playing with my brother. Whadya think I was doin'?! Walking my ostrich?? I.THINK.NOT!!"
Uhm......Thanks Aunt Amy! LOL!
Then today there were some papers for our Christmas production lying where she could read them. In the play we have various walks of life coming to worship Jesus in the manger scene. i.e. wisemen, Doctors, a family unit, a bag lady, a wealthy woman, casino dealer, cowboy/rancher, farmer, a military man, a geisha, an Indian, a biker, and a hooker.
L'il C is reading the people and the part they play and she laughed and said, "Ha! Carolyn's a hooker!" staring blankly!
I then tell my mom that she needs to put the list up and I ask L'il C if she even knows what a hooker is.
She says, "Yeah they catch fish!"
Good answer! That will leave the birds and the bees talk for another day...... Whew!
Last night Mr. C and I had planned to go on a date. He surprised me with a cool card and a dozen beautiful roses!! That in itself made my day. He wanted to take me to P.F. Changs. (my absolute favorite restaurant but one he had not been to happy about when we had been before)
We went to dinner and he changed his mind about liking the restaurant. He got something he liked this time. :) Yea! I guess I will keep him now. LOL. I had my normal dish, Orange Peeled Beef with brown rice and he had the Mongolian Beef with brown rice. It was delish. After dinner he ordered the Great Wall of Chocolate to take with us for later. That cake is sinful. It takes up the entire plate. It is a 6-layer chocolate cake with an icing between each layer and on the outside. The outside is also covered in tiny chocolate chips. It has a raspberry syrup drizzled over the top and garnished with strawberries, blueberries, and raspberries! (Hungry yet??)
I haven't played Guitar Hero all that much (actually 3 times total) but I catch myself trying to SINGLE OUT the guitar in the songs I listen to.... to the point where I don't even hear the words of the song. Hmmph!
Have you played this game yet? It is actually most fun and very addicting! The first time I got booed off the stage but now I usually get high 85%-94%!! Not bad for someone who has only played 3 times!
Mr. C and I went to the zoo today with his little sister and her 2nd grade class. Appartently our zoo is number 1 nationally but I had no idea. I never really thought it was spectacular. But it is nice enough.
Tigers are my absolute favorite animal. The black and white tiger wins hands down in my book but our zoo only has two orange and black Siberian Tigers. They are beautiful.
I could have stood there all day and watched them because for once they were actually walking around and playing. One even got in the water and played around for a bit. In my opinion though they do not have near enough room to move around.
There were 2 baby chimps. They were fun to watch. They would swing out a bit and then clench to the web for dear life. Then they would go out a bit further and come back to safety.
This crazy thing was snorting around outside in a fence:
Mr. C nonchalantly walked over and said, "Mom! Get out of there!" It was kind of funny.
His sister wanted to play on the playground more than she cared to look at the animals, as do most kids.
We had a nice time though. It was a very pleasant day and a vacation day that was definitely needed!
Because Sinead Always Made Me Ready For Christmas?!
As I am listening to '90's Pop on my computer and Sinead O'Conner 'Nothing Compares' is playing in the background, 'L'il C turns around and says, "Mom, are you listening to Christmas music?"
"Well can we put up our Christmas tree today anyway. I want to put it up."
"Sorry Toots. We are not putting up the tree before Thanksgiving. (Aunt Amy will haunt you in your sleep.) We will put it up on December 1st like we do every year. (Because that is my birthday and that is part of my birthday fun!)
I am hooking my carseat to the back of a bicycle and we are off!
Seriously though! Do you realize that if gas prices go up to $4 a gallon next summer as forecasted how that will actually effect your life???
Simple Math
A very small tank at 15 gallons times $4 is $60 to fill up. Most people fill up at least twice a week. That is $120/week. That is $480/month just for gasoline!!! Most homes have 2 vehicles (one for mom and one for dad). That is $960 in fuel a month!!! OMG!
Figure this: IF you are making at least $20/hour (which MOST people aren't, but it may be that 2 people in a house are making $10/hour), gross would be $3,200/month. After taxes at about 30%, that would leave $2,240.
Then after your mortgage payment of about $850 it leaves $1,390. Let's see here 2 cars at an est. $300/month car payment with insurance ($160) is $760 leaving $630.
Then we said gas was $480/month for ONE CAR let alone TWO. $480 x 2 cars is $960.
$630 (what is left) minus $960 for fuel leaves you NEGATIVE $330!!!!!!
That leaves you NEGATIVE $330 and you haven't bought food, paid your utilities (gas, water, electric, phone, cable, trash service), clothes, or school necessities for the kids.
L'il C nows know how to tell time. Good for her. VERY bad for me!
She now knows when we are supposed to be somewhere and when we were supposed to leave. This morning she informs me that we need to leave and that we are going to be late.
She then proceeds to quote the all time favorite Alice in Wonderland phrase,
"[We're] late! [We're] late...for a very important date! Not time to say hello, goodbye! [We're] late! [We're] late! [We're] late!"
I am pretty sure for that matter I am not that proud that she can tell time!