December 31, 2007
Twelve Days of Christmas, Part II
The 26th Mr. C took one of our guys in our youth group to Discipleship Camp and was unable to be at Christmas at my Grandmother's house and at my mom's. He was very disappointed. I missed him being there as well!! The 26th we drove down to my Grandmother's. All I can say to this is "We Survived"!
That night we came back home and L'il C and I had a slumber party just the two of us in the living room floor. We played games, painted, made bead projects, and made a pallet to watch movies and sleep on!

She loves to hold my hand when we are sitting together. I LOVE IT!
The next day we lounged until 3:00 p.m. when it was time to go to my mom's to have Christmas. We had a good time. We had an awesome dinner: Deep fried turkey, brisket, mashed potatoes, corn on the cob, salad, rolls, and dessert! Then after we cleaned up the kitchen we went into the living room for presents. After presents we played a game Amy got for Christmas. We had a very nice evening!
Amy's dog loves presents too!! HA! He kept trying to open all of L'il C's presents for her.

There was more to my Christmas but I have waited so long I can't remember it all! HA!
Merry Christmas All!
link | posted by Sweet Yet Sassy at 7:04 AM
December 27, 2007
The Twelve Days of Christmas Part 1
The first Christmas we enjoyed (the 22nd) was at Mr. C's parents house. He has 3 sisters and a brother. So between spouses, significant others, and children there were 16 of us. We enjoyed Mexican food and tons of goodies to snack on. We had exchanged names for gifts and the kiddos had a few extra to open. We stayed up most of the night enjoying family/significant other time.
The 23rd we had our Children's Church Christmas Program. L'il C did so good!! She had a HUGE roll in the play and even had a solo! I am so proud of that girl!
Every other year I have L'il C from the day school gets out until 2:00 on Christmas Day and the other years I don't get her until 2:00 on Christmas Day until she goes back to school. This year I didn't get her until 2:00.
Christmas Eve Mr. C and I spent the day together. We exchanged our Christmas presents with each other. It was nice. We had fun. Then we went to the mall and did a little shopping. He had invited me to come spend Christmas Eve with him and his family since my family had already left to go be with my Grandmother.
Christmas Day I went with Mr. C to his Granny's for Christmas. We had a good time. After lunch, his sister and I played Battleship (a game his youngest sister had received for Christmas). I SMOKED her! LOL! I had 3 of her ships sunk before she even found one of mine. :) The guys played a mean game of basketball....well not really but they did play.
At 2:00 I got my sweetheart back. She enjoyed some time with us at Mr. C's family Christmas. Around 4:30 we left and went back home. We had Christmas for her which she enjoyed immensely!

Of everything, these seemed to get the biggest response:
Moon Sand: This stuff is the best ever! I HIGHLY recommend this. It is not sticky, never dries out, and is very easy to clean up!!
This is the Baby Alive Newborn that WETS! Good Lord. She used all of the diapers in one day! HA! It is a pretty cool baby doll.
She is all about High School Musical. She got these and the jammies along with the movie!
After opening presents we decided to go grab something to eat. (...since I haven't been grocery shopping since the ice storm and most of the food went bad.) The ONLY place we found open was Sonic which L'il C proudly read on the sign 'Open Christmas Day at 4 p.m.
Then we went looking at Christmas lights at one of the Christian Colleges in the area. It was relatively warm... a blazing 28 degrees and the wind was blowing so we didn't last long!

Baby Alive ventured the trip with us and made it into most of the pics. Then L'il C decided that Mr. C should carry the baby in his pouch. People stared at him carrying a baby there. It was kind of funny!
link | posted by Sweet Yet Sassy at 7:43 AM
December 22, 2007
Nutcracker in Review
We had a fantastic evening!!I love getting all dressed up and having somewhere to go! We both enjoyed the Nutcracker. We had really good seats near the front. I wish I could have taken pictures but they did not allow flash photography.Mr. C and I ventured down towards the Orchestra Pit to see them warming up. It was pretty cool. I have went to see productions at this particular place before but never actually walked up to the stage. Mr. C's brother had asked me about where we were going to see the Nutcracker and when I told him he asked me if that was the place with two really high balconies. I had always sat near the front on the lower level and had never really looked up and behind me before so I wasn't sure. Well, since he had mentioned it, I made it a point to look this time. WOW! That place is HUGE and the balconies are WAY up there! HA! Man! I am observant! The first act was more entertaining than the second as the second consisted more of duets and solos and not the entire ballet. Our favorite part in the first act was when the little bitty mice (kids) were fighting the soldiers. The soldiers had a little pop gun and shot one of the mice. The mouse fell over and the other ones loaded him up on a stretcher and hauled him off of the stage. It was hilarious!!!If you have never seen this production it is definitely worth going to see at least once in your lifetime if for nothing else but to enjoy the experience. I definitely plan to take L'il C next year.
link | posted by Sweet Yet Sassy at 7:27 AM
December 21, 2007
The Nutcracker

Tonight Mr. C and I are going on a date to dinner and the theater. I have never been to see The Nutcracker. My best friend went in the 4th grade. Her father took her and her sister and brother. Since then I have wanted to go see it just once to see if I like it or not.
Therefore, I am very excited for our date tonight. Mr. C doesn't know anything about the story so he may be completely bored. This isn't exactly something that a guy would look forward to going to. Nonetheless, he is going and really is actually excited to be going with me.
We shall see....
link | posted by Sweet Yet Sassy at 12:59 PM
December 17, 2007
Watching Robots A Bit Much??

The other night L'il C and I were in the kitchen packing up some things to head back over to my mom's to stay (during the ice storm). I walked by the kitchen and there were some apples on the counter and I asked her if she would like to take one with us.
She said, "Nah, but I would like a peach."
Me - "Oh that does sound good but we don't have any."
L'il C- "Well can we go buy some?"
Me - "No, I don't think they are in season right now."
L'il C- "What does that mean?"
Me - "They aren't available at the moment."
L'il C - "Oh you mean they have been 'outmoded'?"
Then Friday night we went to Olive Garden to eat. There was a 20-30 minute wait and as we were sitting in the lobby I noticed some friends of mine that had came in and I got up from the bench to go say hello.
When I came back L'il C had jumped off of Mr. C's lap and was sitting in my seat. So I just walked over and sat down in her lap. I hear her grunt and say, "Ugh, I have been 'rearended'!"
It was so casual and nonchalant, we cracked up laughing.
link | posted by Sweet Yet Sassy at 12:08 PM
December 14, 2007
Every Light In The House Is On...
...Sing it with me!
No, seriously! I have Power at last! My electricity was turned back on late yesterday afternoon. Many people here still are without so I am very thankful for this!
Don't think I didn't sleep with ALL of my lights on last night. I gotta make up for the power outtage on my electric bill. I wouldn't want the electric company to think I died.
I would like to thank God for keeping me safe as well as giving me a place to cook my food, a place to stay warm, and a place to sleep....even if they were all at seperate places (seriously)! LOL!
I would like to thank my mom and dad for letting us sleep at their house....we did have 12 blankets a piece and a fire in the fire place on the other side of the house. It was good to sleep in a bed!
I want to thank AEP and Georgia Power! Georgia Power trucks were in my neighborhood when my electricity came on so I want to personally thank them. I know there were electric companies from North Carolina, Missouri, and Texas here for sure. Thank you to them as well.
Here is a minimal view of some of the damage at my home. The ice has melted and Mr. C and Mike cut down the trees at my house in the pictures. But the huge tree in the front yard was blocking my entire porch and broke the guttering on my house and pulled my brand new Christmas lights down. (Yes the lights are an important part because I have never had Christmas lights on my house and I just bought them last week!!!) It also messed up my pretty shrubs and demolished my Japanese Maple! (All you can see is the pole that is was tied to and a twig that is still standing in between the bushes.)

My driveway was completely covered in limbs that had broken off. Luckily we had moved the car an hour before. My driveway has trees on either side and it was scary running out to leave before all of the limbs started snapping. Thirty minutes after I left the tree fell on my front porch!
Here are a few from my parents home.
This was the huge pecan tree in our church parking lot.
Here are more pictures from my sister's home...and her blog about it is pretty funny. And more pictures here from a friend's blog.
It was very eerie hearing the snap, crackle, and pop of the trees breaking off. We really couldn't even go outside because the trees were falling so rapidly and from so many different places.
I have never been so excited to see porch lights on in my neighborhood. I was doing periodic drive bys once I saw the electric companies to see if I had power. When I saw a porch light on in my neighborhood my heart skipped a beat! It was like Christmas for me!! I ran inside and turned ALL of the lights on and had a party in my 40 degree living room!!!
link | posted by Sweet Yet Sassy at 10:03 AM
December 12, 2007
No, I'm Not Dead!
I am however lost in an ice storm big enough for President Bush to call this a State of Emergency. I will be back as soon as I have electricity, which could be weeks. I have no heat and my house is every bit of 30-40 degrees and you can see your breath when you talk.A huge tree fell on my house and all over my driveway. So off to chainsaw some trees and drink semi-hot chocolate...
link | posted by Sweet Yet Sassy at 11:24 AM
December 05, 2007
To School Or Not To School, That Is The Question
L'il C was home sick yesterday. She isn't sick very often and I felt so sorry for her. She woke up at 5:45 and headed straight for the bathroom. I decided after about 3 trips there that she should stay home. She wasn't too thrilled about missing fact she pouted for a bit. Then at 7:30 she layed back down in my arms on my bed and slept until 11:15ish. I pulled my arm out from under and got to finish a book that I was reading. That was worth staying home for! HA! She ate some chicken noodle soup for lunch. Then by dinner time she seemed to be feeling okay. We baked some cookies that weren't the best but she said they were good. (I only tried one as I am trying to watch my calories this week and aside from the homemade cherry chip birthday cupcakes, I have been doing very good!) She didn't finish a whole cookie either and had some more chicken noodle soup.We curled up on the couch and watched Lion King 1 1/2. I hadn't see that in forever. At 8:30 she was asleep.This morning she wouldn't get out of bed. She barely ate any of her cereal and kept her head on the table. She told me she wasn't feeling good today but since she wasn't frequenting the bathroom and she didn't have a fever I had her go to school. I sent her some chicken noodle soup and some Sprite to drink for lunch. I was torn between what to do. She was fine last night and really wanted to go to school yesterday. I know she didn't feel that great but I almost wondered if she was wanting to stay home so she could bake cookies and watch movies. Hmmm...We shall see....
link | posted by Sweet Yet Sassy at 8:50 AM
December 03, 2007
My Birthday in Review
I had a very nice birthday. That morning Mr. C came over to put the icicle lights. I am most grateful. It was a little amusing at first watching him trying to figure out a way to get on my roof. I only had a 4' ladder. I was not excited when I came out my back door to find that he had placed this ladder on my air conditioning unit and was climbing up it to get on my roof. This was not a successful attempt. He ended up climbing the tree right next to the corner of my house. He reminded me of those natives that climb the coconut trees to the top to get the coconuts! HA!
My ex met me in Tulsa so that I could have L'il C for my birthday dinner. It was his weekend but he let me keep her the rest of the weekend. We went to eat at T.G.I.Friday's. It was yummy. I got some very nice gifts as well.
L'il C and Me

Mr. C and Me :)


My sister and her husband
Making fun of me because my eyes always bug out. :(
Dinner was fun. After dinner we rushed back because L'il C is a cheerleader this year and she was in the Christmas Parade with her school. (Because I am such a great mom, I did not remember to bring the camera.) After the parade, we went to Mr. C's Grandma's house for a little while and visited with her. At 9:20 p.m. we took L'il C to see the new movie Enchanted. Mr. McDreamy was in it and looked very nice I might add. It was an okay movie for a fairy tale. James Marsden's character was enough to drive anyone crazy. (Not his best role.)
I had a very lovely day. It was definitely a very busy day for sure! :)
link | posted by Sweet Yet Sassy at 7:53 AM
December 01, 2007
Your True Birth Month Is December |
Logical Patriotic Ambitious Not egoistic Loves praise Loves to joke Fun to be with Not pretending Loves attention Short tempered Hates restrictions Loves to socialize Loves to be loved Loyal and generous Impatient and hasty Changing personality Good sense of humor Honest and trustworthy Influential in organizations Takes high pride in oneself Active in games and interactions |
Well good! Because that is the month I WAS born. Happy Birthday to
Me!!! 29 and holding!
link | posted by Sweet Yet Sassy at 12:55 AM