April 28, 2008
Happy One Year Anniversary!
Today is my one year anniversary with Mr. C (a.k.a. Brad)!! Although he is back at school today he did surprise me by sending these beautiful Oriental Stargazer Lillies to my work!!!!! Although you can not smell how awesome they are, you can definitely tell by the pictures how pretty they are!

Thank you Mr. C! I love you so very much! I am so glad my feelings got 'wierd'! Our friendship has truly grown into a beautiful relationship.Happy One Year! I can not wait to marry you!All my love,XOXOXO ;)
link | posted by Sweet Yet Sassy at 9:25 AM
April 26, 2008
My Body is Perfect!
I airbrushed my body today..... I wanted to know what a model felt like when she saw her pictures in magazines.....then I woke up and felt the way they do when they actually looked at their real body....like a normal human being with flaws! :)I didn't actually airbrush my body but I did think it was funny. As I looked at my Victoria Secret catalog, I secretly drew dimples in their butt cheeks, scars here and there, and rolls in their stomachs! It was fun. You should try it!I love being me. I am very aware of my flaws and no amount of airbrushing will truly make them go away. But I did start a fitness program this week and I am very excited about it. I met with a trainer at noon today. It went very well! We had some good laughs when I realized she wasn't crazy about arm exercises either and they made her feel weak as well! Everyone has weaknesses they just try to cover them up! Let's focus on our strong points instead!
link | posted by Sweet Yet Sassy at 12:00 PM
April 22, 2008
What makes a child up the 'ante' for more discipline?
Okay, so I rarely talk about L'il C needing to be disciplined* because quite frankly she is a very pleasant obedient kid. (I am not even being biased on this one. She is complimented often on her good behavior.) .... I will wait for those who need to go throw up......However, over the last few weeks she is expressing a negative attitude through smart mouth and arguing when I ask her to do something. I have always known this would happen because almost the day I turned 12 I became the biggest smart-mouth you will ever meet. I had no consistency in my discipline and it is now an ever present habit for me. I do not want this replicated in my child. (Shut up for all of you who want to tell me that I can choose to change as an adult..... I dare you to change an 18 year old habit.)Therefore, consistency in discipline is something that is huge for me in raising L'il C.Yesterday morning as we were eating breakfast together, and on a morning she was already very pleasant and obedient, we had this conversation:"Sweetheart, I just want to thank you for being so obedient this morning. It really pleases mommy.""You are welcome.""I also want to let you know that since I am very aware of how well behaved and polite you can be, I intend for you to stay that way. (pause for acknowledgement) I have noticed a change in your attitude lately that I am not real pleased with and I intend to put a stop to it. (pause for acknowledgement) From now on anytime you argue with me, pout, or throw a fit when I ask you to do something, I will give you three spankings."(reflecting what I have said) She then responds with, "How about 5?"(stunned) "Sweetheart I think 3 is plenty. Are you sure you want to raise it to 5?""Yep. I know I can act better and I think if I don't act the way you want me to it should be 5 spankings not 3."So, my child up'd the ante to 5 spankings instead of 3. It has been a full day and a half and no spankings have occurred. It has been wonderful.**All child's rights activists, DHS, etc please exit this site. I believe the Bible when it says 'spare the rod, spoil the child'. I do not beat my child and I only spank on the bottom.***
link | posted by Sweet Yet Sassy at 10:34 AM
April 18, 2008
Define Maybe
According to m-w.com there are two definitions of the word maybe:
1) Uncertainty
2) Perhaps
However, according to the brain of L'il C there is only one definition:1) Yes you mayWhich quickly brought me back to the time when I was a child and I would ask my mom or dad for something and they would reply with 'maybe'. I too would let them know that that essentially meant 'yes!'Now, being a mom myself I truly understand why they would never answer me with a direct yes even though 9 out of 10 times the end result would be affirmative. You just never know what might come up between that moment and the moment of the time for the needed answer. And if you have already told your child, "yes we can do that" or "yes you can have that" and it doesn't work out for that particular time FOR WHATEVER reason, you are then deemed "a liar" or have inflicted pain that will last one million years in your child's already dramatic life and you will NEVER hear the end of "but Mom!!!!!!! YOU PROMISSSSSSSSSED!"Therefore I now enjoy and take great pride in using the most awesome word
Because in the end maybe we will and maybe we won't but I have the most awesome loop hole!
link | posted by Sweet Yet Sassy at 9:47 AM
Whew! I am safe a while longer!
Last night when L'il C was saying the night time prayer.....
..."and please protect my bestest mommy in the world and I won't trade her in for a new one!"...
link | posted by Sweet Yet Sassy at 7:10 AM
April 17, 2008
Jesus vs. Medication
Last night L'il C had an itch on her toe that would.not. go away! After whining and complaining long enough I rubbed her toe with a fair amount of pressure and told her to lie down and go to sleep.
She said, "Mom, I need medication!"
"Sweetie, you don't need medicine for everything. Why don't you ask Jesus to help you!" (Insuating she could ask him to take the itch away....)
She looked perplexed and asked, "How is HE supposed to rub my toe?!"
link | posted by Sweet Yet Sassy at 7:46 AM
A Bargain I Couldn't Refuse

L'il C said she would sell this to me for a dollar. I could choose blue, white, or red. This was my choice. I paid her the dollar. She was thrilled and exclaimed, "Good! Now I have sucker money!"
link | posted by Sweet Yet Sassy at 6:52 AM
April 15, 2008
Blogger Blogger, Where art thou??
So I have been under the radar lately.....slightly because I haven't had spectacularly interesting things to say.I am really looking forward to the fact that Mr. C will be home permanently in 3 1/2 weeks!I am driving up to see him today for a short day trip so that will be fun. We are trying to get in some marriage counseling before the big day. :)Wedding plans are starting to take shape. I have my bouquet picked out and most of the decorations purchased. A relative of Mr. C's is going to make my cake. I should have an appointment with her soon. We have decided on an invitation design. My sister and I are going to make them. My sister is HUGE into Scrapbooking and by far the best that I know! I have limited the wedding dresses to 3 or 4 that I absolutely love but have not yet made an appointment with any boutiques to try them on. I may end up with something all together different. I have seen many cute bridesmaid and flower girl dresses. I just need to choose. I don't have to worry about trying to get a dress that will fit different body shapes since I am only having my sister and she looks fabulous in everything she wears! That is a huge relief! :)We have a lot more yet to do but so far so good........ Till then I am crossing my fingers in hopes that it will stay that way!
link | posted by Sweet Yet Sassy at 7:10 AM
April 08, 2008
The Sweetest Picnic
Saturday was finally a day where I did not have to be anywhere and there was no rain in the forecast!! I had been waiting for one of those days for a while! My lawn desperately needed attention.I slept in that morning and then decided to go ahead and get started on my chores. I told L'il C that she could go outside in the back and play but not to play near where I was going to be mowing. I finished mowing and started trimming the hedges along my fenceline. There are still areas that need a lot of attention due to the ice storm in December. My poor trees are so sad looking.L'il C was in her little club house that was at the top of her swingset. As I am trimming, L'il C hollered from the playset and wanted to know what time it was. I let her know that it was close to noon. I watch her climb down the stairs and run inside. A few minutes later she comes out to me and says, "Mom, I had a really good idea. How 'bout we have a picnic in my playhouse.""What a great idea! What do you want for lunch?""I already made lunch!""What?"She had went inside and made us Peanut Butter and Jelly sandwiches! She had taken an Easter Egg cookie cutter and cut them out for us. She had put them on a plate with some chips and had poured us each a glass of water. AND she had cleaned up her mess! WOW! I wanted to cry. That was so sweet! So we did just that. We ate the most delicious PB & J sandwiches ever and read Dr. Suess & Berenstein Bear books! It was most fun!
link | posted by Sweet Yet Sassy at 7:29 AM
April 05, 2008
Happy Birthday Dearest Fiance'!

Yesterday was Mr. C's birthday. I drove down to see him and spend the day with him. I let L'il C skip school so she could enjoy the day as well. We went to class with him and then went to eat at On The Border with some of his friends. We had a good time.
His parents and little sister drove down that night for dinner. We grilled steaks and chicken with baked potatoes, corn, and other veggies. I had also made him his favorite cake: Waldorf Astoria. It turned out pretty good. I had never made that kind from scratch before. :)
Honey, I hope you had a fabulous day! I love you!!!
Happy Birthday!!!!
link | posted by Sweet Yet Sassy at 7:23 AM
April 02, 2008
Time Management

Do you ever look up and think 'holy cow! Where did the time go?'
I feel like most of my days are like this. I spend more time doing nothing. I will have a list a mile long that I need to be doing but am so overwhelmed by it all I don't do any of it.
I look at the entire elephant and think good grief I can't do that! I need to think about it one piece at a time.
I usually log on to the internet first thing when I get to work. I visit all of my sites, visit any sites they reference, visit my favorite sites again, email a few friends, read their emails, etc. Four hours later (slight exaggeration.....it is closer to 3.5 hours) :) I do some work and go home. Then I wonder why I don't feel like I accomplished anything. I need a career that is a bit more challenging but since this one isn't I need to redesign the way I start my day. It can not be on the internet.
Today I have made my six most important list.....it actually turned into 11 most important things because I have put off things for so long.
So......here goes.... off to do some work as I have once again started my day with the internet and have now decided to do something about my time management issues!
link | posted by Sweet Yet Sassy at 8:46 AM
April 01, 2008
Last night L'il C and I went around the track. She rode her bike and I walked. Most of the time she would ride ahead of me and stop periodically to see how far behind I was. (I also had her stop no matter how far ahead she was if there was a place in the track that cars would cross.)On one of the times that she stopped to wait for me this conversation took place:"Mom, Brian Smith picks his boogers and eats them.""Honey, I have seen you do the same thing!""That was a long time ago. I don't do that anymore.""Yes you do! I saw you just the other day!""That was just because I was hungry!"?!?!?!
link | posted by Sweet Yet Sassy at 7:37 AM
April Fool's Day
link | posted by Sweet Yet Sassy at 6:10 AM