March 31, 2009
This Week for Me
Well, my Husband left me.Ha ha! Not even close to permanently, just for the week. He had a National Youth Leaders Conference in Dallas this week. He is pretty pumped. It is the first time we have been a part though since we got married and he will miss me terribly.....I will miss him too! (of course) And can you believe our 6th month anniversary is this Saturday?! Holy smokes! The time has flown by.Also, this Saturday is Brad's birthday. He will be the very OLD age of 23 years! ha ha! (Shut up Aaron! I know you would take this time to tell me how much more ancient I am!)He will be back from Dallas Thursday evening but I will not see him until Friday night.Why you ask?? Because although Brad is doing good Christian things, my sister has invited me/begged me to go with her to see someone a little on the risque, slightly more provocative side! :)Amy and her friend from work made an agreement/promise to each other that if Britney Spears ever came remotely close to our area, they would go to the concert together. Except when it came down to it and Britney did come to the area, her friend is unable to guessed it. I am the fill in friend. Ha! Not exactly, Amy just knew that I wasn't ever a Britney fan.I have been trying to catch up on Britney's music so I won't be completely lost when we go see her this Thurday in Kansas City for her Circus Tour. All in all I am looking forward to the trip with my sister. It is going to be fun girl time. We are gonna stay the night there and hang out Friday.I know you are all envious!
link | posted by Sweet Yet Sassy at 8:10 AM
March 26, 2009
Oxygen shortage to the brain! -That is what I had! My sister told me about this cool class called ZUMBA that had started at our gym and thought we should try it! She said that it was like aerobics but with Latin dance moves. Now I am not sure why, but my brain only heard 'Latin dance moves' and totally tuned out the 'aerobics' part. The class was from 5:30-6:15 and I had dinner plans at 6:30. The sign had said, "Basic Class. Ditch the workout. Join the Party!!"To me, basic means beginner. They just put the signs up last week so I knew that I had missed 2 classes.The misunderstandings are definitely already stacked against me.Let's review my thought process: one else will know what they are doing since the class just started.ditching the workout.Reality: class started 2 months ago.not basic.not a party.definite working out.must be able to 'groove'I was worn out and Sweaty Betty when I left, no time to take a shower, and late for my dinner party. I made myself take a speedy shower and showed up in the nick of time. And believe it or not..... It really was fun and I am going back again today. But today, I.WILL! be prepared! (and be on the back row instead of the front this time!)
link | posted by Sweet Yet Sassy at 1:45 PM
March 25, 2009
Vanity Plates -DISCOON?
When it comes to vanity plates, I love trying to figure them out. I pride myself on being able to! It drives me crazy when I can't....especially if someone figures it out before I do. Some of them are quite funny, some of them I can't believe someone would have the audacity to put it on their tag. Although, I do like reading them, I wouldn't EVER get one...for one reason...Police! :) I drive way to fast and am not a very good driver and if someone turns me in I do not want to give them an easy tag to remember. I want the numbers and letters to be smudged in their head so that they won't be completely sure what they read.Which brings me to the point:I came upon a car yesterday as I was driving down the highway and it was driving me crazy to know what a DISCOON was on the tag of the car in front of me. I was certain that they had messed up something. I tried to make this be several things and it was starting to frustrate me.As I approached the car it slapped me in the face. They hadn't messed up. My eyesight is just bad. It wasn't DISCOON it was DISCOQN. I was relieved because I could actually figure this out!
link | posted by Sweet Yet Sassy at 8:43 AM
March 19, 2009
Tito.... Dog? Rat? or Texas Longhorn?
link | posted by Sweet Yet Sassy at 10:17 AM
March 17, 2009
As you are all about your day, doing the things you do, I am cooking my amazing St. Patrick's Day breakfast I wrote about here.
I am so super excited.
Brad and I are also going out for a fun Irish Dinner tonight as well.
HAPPY HAPPY ST. PATRICK'S DAY from Sweet Yet Sassy!!
Fried Canadian Bacon/Ham: Check
Over Easy Fried Eggs: Check
Sauteed tomatoes: Check
Sauteed potatoes: Check (although successful, I didn't like the flavor)
Toast: Check
Orange Juice: Check
Irish Tea: Check
Coffee: Check
Fried Mushrooms: Check (I hate the way these smell!!!!)
Scones: Check (almost burnt but in reality...cooked to perfection!)
Irish Pancakes: Supposed to refrigerate 'x' ingredients for 2 hours prior to cooking. ....oops. missed that part.
The end result...
link | posted by Sweet Yet Sassy at 12:00 AM
March 13, 2009
The Crack of Dawn
Did anyone know that 4:30 came twice a day???? Apparently it does! One is mid-afternoon when my work day ends. The other happens to be the time right in between dozing off through a movie and my alarm going off in the morning. Who knew??Well twice this week I found this time on my clock and I must say I wish it was by accident. But it wasn't. I actually meant to get up that early. And unless my husband is right and I got hit by the 'crazy train' I plan to continue doing this insane activity permanently.What is that you ask?Well, I have been waking up that early to go workout with my sister-in-law before work. We meet up there at 4:45 to work out on the Stride machines. At 5:30 we start on the ellipticals for 40 minutes and then off to tummy crunches. Believe it or not, I feel GREAT!Her husband gets there at 4:00 since he has to be at work by 6:00. Holy freakin' cow. She is going to be out of town week after next and I actually slipped into greater insanity and told him in order to keep us on track, I would meet him there at 4:00 while she was gone.Therefore, if I abruptly stop blogging, please know that I will look HOT but I died...of insanity. Ha!
link | posted by Sweet Yet Sassy at 7:25 AM
Sprit Week -Day Four & Five - Bad Mom
Ugh..... I forgot to take pictures of my kid yesterday and today. Day 4 was Free Dress with a hat and silly socks. Day 5 was a sports jersey or sweats. Oops!
link | posted by Sweet Yet Sassy at 7:23 AM
March 11, 2009
Spirit Week - Day Three - Camo
I realized last night at 9:30 that L'il C didn't have any camo. The past couple of years she had a shirt she could wear.....she outgrew that. So I made a quick trip up to Wallie World to see what I could find. Apparently, camo is only popular in the fall/winter, even in the south! I found one pair of boys shorts and one pair of boys swim trunks. :( They swallowed her little legs but it was all they had.It is freezing today so I made her wear tights under the shorts. She.was.not.happy. I listened to her whine and complain about it long enough. Finally, I told her if she complained one more time she was going to wear her uniform and the camo was going back to the store. Although she was thrilled to wear the fun clothes the last two days, the tights were enough to 'ruin her day' today. Ha! Oh well. I am not sacrificing my kids health for cuteness. (I would only do that if it was for me.) :)
link | posted by Sweet Yet Sassy at 9:51 AM
March 10, 2009
Spirit Week - Day Two - Twin Day
Although today is 'Twin' Day, there were four of the girls that wanted to be a like. So they did Quardruplet Day. ha haHere the model is wearing the twin attire for the day: a black tee, denim capris, and a purple, black, and white scarf/belt/head band. ;)
link | posted by Sweet Yet Sassy at 8:24 AM
March 09, 2009
Spirit Week - Day One - Clash/Bad Hair Day
Every year, the week before Spring Break, L'il C's school has Spirit Week or Spiritual Emphasis Week. They memorize a new scripture every day. They also have certain extracurricular activities they can participate in for fun and their class gets extra points. In the evenings these consist of no electronics, reading a book, leading the family in devotion, play a game as a family, etc. During the day, they can dress up according to the theme. If they don't dress up they have to wear their uniforms and what kid wants to do that??
Today was clash and bad hair day. L'il C was very excited about this.

Here we have a pink head band, an orange, green, and white shirt, a red velvet skirt, one St. Patrick's Day sock, one Hannah Montana sock, and two different shoes. :)
link | posted by Sweet Yet Sassy at 8:14 AM
March 08, 2009
Climbing Toys at Food Establishments
Restaurants capitalize on their marketing strategies when they place jungle gyms and other various climbing toys in their food establishments. Every child loves jungle gyms and slides. I know with L'il C if given her choice over a restaurant with toys or without it will always be the one with. I was the same way.However, as a parent now, those toys absolutely disgust me!!! With all of the food handlers classes that are given to keep people safe, how in the world can a restaurant have climbing toys inside? I know the two are not directly related but it still somewhat relates.Generally, I insist that L'il C eats all of her food before she plays.The rules on the toys states that the children must remove their shoes. I understand why this is a rule. They don't want fingers smashed, etc. Most of the time if a kid takes off their shoes, their socks come off as well. Have you ever watched the kids playing? NONE of them stay in the designated play area. The kids are constantly running back and forth to their parents....on the dirty disgusting floor!! Then their dirty nasty feet go back in the play area. When kids climb they use their feet and hands. So everything their dirty feet have touched gets on their hands. (I think I am going to throw up!)After playing for a bit, a parent will hollar, "Child, come finish your burger/fries/etc."So here comes dirty little kid walking on the dirty floor with dirty hands and picks up their food and into their mouth goes all of the germs!!!Ready for toys and food yet??
link | posted by Sweet Yet Sassy at 12:50 PM
March 07, 2009

Today we took L'il C fishing. L'il C assured me that if I would let her set her alarm, she wanted to get up at 6:00 a.m. and go. We bought her a new fishing pole and she could not wait to go fishing. That was WAY to early for me to get up on a Saturday to go fishing so Brad and I decided to leave at 8:15.
We had to go to the bait shop and get some live minnows and planned to be at the pond by 9:00. Well, the bait shop wasn't opened by the time we got there at 8:30. We had to go back to the house to get L'il C a jacket so we decided we would take advantage of that time and go that. When we got back to the bait shop they told Brad they only took cash. So we left to go the closest convenient store which happened to have an ATM then back to the bait shop for the third time. L'il C's patience were running thin.
After we got the minnows, I told L'il C we had to go back home for something and the frustrated huff and look of disgust that she gave me made me lose it! It was hilarious. So I let her know that I was kidding and off to the pond we went! We were only 40 minutes late. :)
L'il C caught a good size bass and a crappie within the first 20 minutes. We were so excited. Then she didn't catch anything else the rest of the day. :( Brad hadn't caught anything with in L'il C's first two and then ended up catching 19!
First Bass of the Day
Good size Crappie

Brad's smallest fish

Brad's 2nd largest fish

link | posted by Sweet Yet Sassy at 1:30 PM
Replacement Words
Preface:The other day L'il C comes in and says, "Mom, my friend at school told me that the 's word' means the same thing as poop. Is that true?"Trying to smooth my frustrations from this child who keeps teaching mine cuss words, I calmly tell her that it does indeed mean the same thing but that the 's word' is not a word that should be used. This isn't the first word she has asked me about. I always want her to feel comfortable talking to me about anything so I never make her feel bad for coming to me even if she says the word. I have learned the bigger deal you make out of something the more the child tries to get away with saying the magical forbidden word and uses it here and there to see how far they can push their limits.This time she did not use the actual word but simply referred to it as 'the s word' so I knew she already knew it was an inappropriate word.The story:Last night Brad and I took L'il C to a hockey game with some friends of mine. My friend's cousin worked with American Airlines and had 20 free tickets so she invited us to go as well. One of the guys using one of the free tickets sitting near us was joking around with his son and called him a sh**head. I was shocked but L'il C nonchalantly turned around to him and said, "You should say poop. It means the same thing!"I could.not. stop laughing.
link | posted by Sweet Yet Sassy at 11:45 AM
March 05, 2009
Human Food - The Dog's Choice
I truly wish dogs were repulsed by human food; the way it smells and tastes! It sure would make it a lot easier on me to resist those puppy dog eyes. It would also keep me from wrestling Tito away from my food when I am eating on the couch watching tv.My Sweet Baby Dog

link | posted by Sweet Yet Sassy at 12:20 PM
March 04, 2009
St. Patrick's Day Breakfast
Yes, I know it isn't here yet. But it wouldn't be me if I this blog didn't talk about it before hand. I am really looking forward to St. Patrick's Day. I realize that Brad can not beat last year and I made him promise not to go overboard. This year we are just keepin' it simple. He just has to promise to wear green! :) I was searching through my recipies the other day and came across the most scrumptious looking blueberry scone recipe ever! That is when it hit me! I am going to make the best Irish Breakfast for St. Patrick's Day an American can make! It will be more than myself but I am not inviting too many people. case I royally screw it up. Two...this won't be cheap. :)I realize I don't have access to some of their ingredients and that will limit me. However, I will not be sad in the slightest that Black Pudding will NOT be a part of my menu.The proposed menu that I am planning to serve:Irish PancakesBlueberry SconesFried Candian BaconFried MushroomsOver Easy Fried EggsSauteed TomatoesSauteed PotatoesSausage LinksToastIrish Tea, which I purchased in Ireland while I was there!CoffeeCranberry JuiceOrange JuiceAnd Lucky Charms because Brad likes American breakfast better than Irish breakfast. ;)Wish me LUCK!
link | posted by Sweet Yet Sassy at 9:27 AM
March 02, 2009
Winter Jam and Movie Date
Brad and I took the youth to Winter Jam Friday night. Neither of us had ever been. It is a concert with several great bands and a speaker or two. It is a $10 first come first served basis concert. Therefore, everyone in the city tries to be the first one there to get the best seats. We waited until our kids got out of school. We got there about 4:00 and the lines were already LONG. The doors didn't open until 6:00 and it was WAY cold. The boys brought a football and were throwing it around the parking lot while the girls listened to their ipods and scoped out the cute boys.We did end up getting in the doors which most of the kids were worried about. We ended up going straight for the second level to keep from fighting the crowds on the lower level. Our seats were still pretty good though.Newsong generally hosts Winter Jam but tobyMac headlined. Hawk Nelson and several other great bands played. We had a great time! We finally got home around midnight thirty. Saturday, for the first time in a LONG time we had absolutely nothing planned. It was so nice. We slept in til about 10:30. I made blueberry muffins for breakfast. We took showers and got ready for the day. Then we decided to lay around all day and watch movies. It was very relaxing and a great way to spend a cold Saturday. Snuggled up on the couch watchin' movies vegging out! It was a great weekend.
link | posted by Sweet Yet Sassy at 8:39 AM